Chuck Norris Rewrites US History
I didn't actually create the Chuck Norris / history abuse theme - rather, I think it was just laying around, and so I picked it up and exploited it for the inherent, cheap sensationalism. Here's where that started:
'Christian Nation' Mythos Enters America's Public Schools, As 'Bible Curriculum' Reportedly in 382 School Districts [ note: see full story for Norris video ]
In my slightly tongue-in-cheek Chuck Norris Fights For Bible Classes With "Mind Karate", I utilize a combination of techniques to ridicule Chuck Norris's citation of fake history and his haphazard proximity to various ridiculous forms of ideological extremism (such as "Geocentrism") and note that although Norris may be an excellent martial arts fighter, in a battle of "mind karate" I'd likely kick his ass. People on all parts of the political spectrum abuse the Treaty Of Tripoli - some supporters of church/state separation brandish the Treaty as if it's a clove of garlic that can fend off vampires intent on sucking dry the true intent of America's founders, that the United States was to be a secular nation. On the other end, would-be theocrats try to twist the rather unambiguous nature of the treaty's rhetoric into pretzel shaped obfustication, and that's the subject of Don Byrd's Church-State Cage Match: Chuck Norris v. The Treaty of Tripoli in which Byrd, possibly riffing off my Chuck Norris can't fight "mind karate for sh_t" theme, wryly mocks Norris's clumsy efforts to explain away the Treaty of Tripoli.
On another serious note, in The Plot To Destroy Public Schools In Your State I note that, while the nonprofit Chuck Norris stumps (or stomps, perhaps more accurately), for The National Council On Bible Curriculum In Public Schools is trying to "theocratize" public schools, another related ideological and political wing of the Christian right is simply trying to destroy public schools or phase them out altogether, by promoting the "voucher" movement. As a footnote, Chuck Norris makes a cameo appearance in one of a series of warhorse pieces I did last spring, excoriating Time Magazine's Dave Van Biema for a piece he did on the push for Bible curricula in public schools. ** If you are interested, Talk To Action features a considerable collection of posts on the ongoing effort to falsify American history. You can access these posts here and here Why should you care about the falsification of US History ? Well, one place to start is the fact that leading US Senators and Congress members, in both political parties, apparently cannot identify fake US history when it is declaimed on the Senate and Congress floors. Was the US founded as a "Christian Nation" ? When leading US politicians appear to be muddy on the point we've got problems. Talk To Action co-founder Frederick Clarkson has written perhaps the definitive summation of why fake history matters, in History is Powerful: Why the Christian Right Distorts History and Why it Matters The notion that America was founded as a Christian nation is a central animating element of the ideology of the Christian Right. It touches every aspect of life and culture in this, one of the most successful and powerful political movements in American history. The idea that America's supposed Christian identity has somehow been wrongly taken, and must somehow be restored, permeates the psychology and vision of the entire movement. No understanding of the Christian Right is remotely adequate without this foundational concept.Chuck Norris, I'd add, is powerful too. But in a different way.
Chuck Norris Rewrites US History | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Chuck Norris Rewrites US History | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)