Far Religious Right Summer Fests
We have already reported on the Paul Hill Days, July 26-29th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where antiabortion militants will honor Paul Hill, who was executed in Florida for the 1994 shotgun murder of an abortion doctor and his escort. Overlapping the Paul Hill Days is the Second Annual Paul deParrie Northwest Camp Meeting July 28-29th in Oregon. The late Mr. de Parrie was an Army of God member who was a signatory to Paul Hill's "Defensive Action Statement," which argued that the murder of abortion provider David Gunn by Michael Griffin, was "justifiable homicide." While in the area, they plan a clinic protest in Portland with the "Genocide Awareness Project" -- which shows enormous bloody fetus posters. GAP is a project of the Center for Bioethical Reform, which boasts Fr. Frank Pavone of Priest for Life on its board of directors. The group goes out of its way to state: "CBR condemns all abortion related violence and will not associate with groups or individuals who fail to condemn such violence."This should make for some interesting factionalism, since the Army of God rightfully wonders therefore, why this outfit has anything to do with Paul de Parrie? Speaking of factionalism, the sponsoring group seems to be the Christian Liberty Party, a regional rump faction resulting from a nasty split in the Constitution Party, which as best I understand it, erupted when some members of the Nevada CP thought abortion was OK in case of rape, incest or life of the mother. The CP national platform claims to be 100% prolife, and does not recognize any exceptions. Thus it has been an attractive political home for Army of God types. A number of state parties, including Ohio, New York, Idaho, and Oregon split in the resulting melee, although not all of the members of each. And as Moiv reported, Operation Save America, plans a seven-day harrassment of two clinics in Birmingham, Alabama, July 14-22nd. No doubt, some intinerant militants will make appearanes at all three militant antiabortion events. Coming right up, July 1-3 in Severn, Maryland is a God and Country Patriotic Celbration and Conference sponsored by the 2004 Constitution Party presidential candidate, Michael Peroutka, and featuring, among others, disgraced and ousted Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore.
Moore will teach conferees "the correct meaning of the phrase "Separation of Church and State" and the proper and historic role of the clergy in the formation and preservation of the American Constitutional Republic." Looking ahead, the theocratic sponsors of Worldview Weekend are hosting a seriesof free "Code Blue" rallies. Apparently, they are worried that they are losing young people in droves The rallies appear to be largely promotional events for the worldview weekends, which have similar content aimed at contending with the loss of young people, especially on college campuses. Among the featured speakers is Christian historical revisionist David Barton.
Des Moines, Iowa Code Blue Rally Sunday Night September 30, 2007 There are also several of the usual theocratic Worldview Weekends planned, the next one is in St. Paul, Minnesota, September 28, 29, 2007. I know that there will be events large and small hosted by the big organizations of the religious right. But too often, events like these which affect public life in sometimes surprising and even quite shocking ways, fly under the radar.
Far Religious Right Summer Fests | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)
Far Religious Right Summer Fests | 1 comment (1 topical, 0 hidden)