"Revisionism: A Willing Accomplice" -- The Remarkable Hypocrisy of David Barton (Part 3)
Chris Rodda printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Jun 10, 2007 at 04:10:26 PM EST
In Chapter 16 of Original Intent, entitled "Revisionism: A Willing Accomplice," Barton, after defining "historical revisionism" as "a process by which historical fact is intentionally ignored, distorted, or misportrayed in order to maneuver public opinion toward a specific political agenda or philosophy," goes on to present and provide examples of nine methods employed by those who he accuses of being the "revisionists."

(For the complete introduction to this series and Barton's list of nine revisionist methods, see Part 1.)

In this installment, I'll be looking at how Barton employs method #3, "The Use of Omission," to create the examples he uses to accuse others of "The Use of Omission."

In "Revisionism: A Willing Accomplice," Barton begins his definition of "The Use of Omission" with the following:

3. The Use of Omission

Omission (the deletion of certain sections of text) is another effective tool of revisionists and can also completely transform the tone of a work.

Barton then goes on to present a number of examples, attempting to support his claim that religion is being systematically and deliberately removed from history reference a