Reprise: SBC Takeover Leaders and the CNP
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Thu Mar 22, 2007 at 11:01:34 AM EST
If anyone doubts that an organization exists that coordinates strategic objectives for Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) takeover leaders, Christian Reconstructionists, Dominionists and other Religious Right leaders, they ought to do some research on the Council for National Policy (CNP).

John Sugg talks about the CNP a little in his article on A Nation Under God in the Dec. 2005 issue of Mother Jones magazine (The printed copy also has a sidebar on the CNP entitled "The Fountainhead" on page 50)

The first time I heard about the CNP was when I watched a documentary by Bill Moyers entitled The Battle for the Bible that was about the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention.  In the broadcast Moyers asked Paul Pressler, architect of the takeover of the SBC, about his involvement in the CNP.  Pressler did not want to talk about it.  Moyers pressed him about it.

[To hear a 6.12 minute podcast (mp3) of Bill Moyers trying to get Paul Pressler to talk to him about his involvement in the Council for National Policy (along with Falwell, Robertson, North, Rushdoony and other