Friends Of Israel and AIPAC Envision "Israel's Final Holocaust" and "Jew Toast"
Pastor John Hagee's warmly received AIPAC speech illustrates the extent to which political leaders who espouse ideology that in the 1960's was considered to be scandalously close the extreme end of the political spectrum can now expect to broadcast their views from a national stage. Once upon as time a single 30 second TV ad, run only once, effectively destroyed the presidential chances of Barry Goldwater by alleging that Goldwater itched for nuclear war. But since the 1960's Christian apocalyptic religious ideology has spread so extensively in American popular culture that now, in 2007, direct advocacy for widespread nuclear war is no longer considered beyond the pale and, indeed, American enthusiasm for nuclear destruction is sufficient to support a national lobbying group. And, Republican politicians, but some Democratic ones as well, are willing to appear at "apocalypse lobby" public events, to share the stage with religious activists who are no longer content to merely predict the end-times but now actively work to make an apocalyptic nuclear inferno really happen. What's also striking is the willingness of AIPAC partisans to embrace the political support of the Christian "Apocalypse lobby" while dismissing statement from CUFI's board members and from other Christian Zionists, that the hoped for catastrophic conflict will kill most Jews in Israel and that Jews who survive will have convert to Christianity or die. American fundamentalist leaders such as John Hagee have been saying that quite loudly for decades and now, more than ever perhaps, the attainment of such bloody and ultimately anti-Semitic goals seems within the bounds of possibility but Jews who are grateful for the political support CUFI and its predecessor organizations have given Israel seem almost schizophrenic in their willingness to dismiss the underlying ideology of totalistic religious warfare that's lurking under the cuddly philosemitic face, to Christian Zionism, which John Hagee has so zealously constructed. But, Jews might do well to consider the implications of the fact that apocalyptic thinking has penetrated the United States military, to unknown effect, or the possibility that Christian Zionist thought is popular in the White House. Claims, by Jack Van Impe and Paul Rosenberg, of having been consulted by the White House on end-times prophecy, might by self serving hype but it's worth noting that back in 1998, with the gearing up of George W. Bush's 2000 presidential campaign, that John Hagee made of gift to Bush of one of Hagee's books, "Final Dawn Over Jerusalem". In the end, even neoconservative boosters such as Michael Ledeen who have promoted the idea of turning the entire Mideast into a "cauldron" should have pause at this ; the oldest apostasy in the Judeo-Christian and Abramic theological traditions is the human presumption to divinity and that's what in effect the CUFI lobby presumes : to influence divinely appointed fate. Even the most hard bitten of neo-conservatives might do well to dwell on the possibility that recent theological mutations in some streams of American Christianity might have led to a situation where, quite literally, key national decision makers both in the White House, The Pentagon, and the US Armed Forces, with control over nearly godlike destructive powers, might also think of themselves as quasi-divine and hold end-times views in which Israel is reduced to smoking rubble in a future conflagration that some Christian Zionists have described as "worse than Auschwitz". In light of such statements, the bargain AIPAC has made with John Hagee and his fellow Christian Zionist raises the question ; how lucky does Israel feel ? In a June 22, 2006 Los Angeles Times story entitled " 'End Times' Religious Groups Want Apocalypse Soon" journalist Louis Sahagun relates an interview with Bill McCartney, co-founder of the Promise Keepers, in which McCartney talked about the goals "The Road To Israel", an apocalyptic organization he has founded since the Promise Keepers movement waned : ' "Our whole purpose is to hasten the end times", he said, "The Bible says Jews will be brought to jealousy when they see Christians and Jewish believers together as one -- they'll want to be a part of that. That's going to signal Jesus' return." ' Jews and others who don't accept Jesus, he added matter-of-factly, "are toast." A number of leaders in the Promise Keepers movement have been attributed as religious influences on President George W. Bush. Such views are anything but unusual within Christian Zionism : McCarney's sputtering apocalypse booster organization has since been far outsripped by the meteoric rise of Texas megachurch Pastor John Hagee's "Christians United For Israel", and CUFI's name should be taken at exact face value. CUFI supports Israel, as Christian Zionists define Israel per their religious eschatology, but they envision a different fate for Israel Jews. CUFI board member Jerry Falwell has written of the battle of Armageddon Christian Zionists long for as a "final holocaust" while CUFI board member pastor George Morrison appears to expect merely "another holocaust":
Millions of Jews will be slaughtered at this time but a remnant will escape and God will supernaturally hide them for Himself for the last three and a half years of the Tribulation, some feel in the rose-red city of Petra. I don't know how, but God will keep them because the Jews and the Chosen People of God." ( CUFI Executive Board Member Jerry Falwell, in a December 2, 1984 sermon) Christian Zionist analogies about the bloodbath they expect (and hope) will be visited on Israelis go beyond "holocaust" talk and extend to comparisons to Auschwitz. As Gershom Gorenberg, expert on Christian Zionism and author of End Of days: Fundamentalism and The Struggle For The Temple Mount relates, "Chuck Missler, another popularizer of dispensationalism, says in a cassette lecture that Auschwitz and Dachau were "just a prelude" to the Tribulation. Missler sees no contradiction between looking forward to that horror and backing Israel; in an interview, he told me that "there is more support for the State of Israel from fundamentalist Christians in America than from ethnic Jews.""
As the Christian Zionist author and popularizer, evangelist Kay Arthur
Kay Arthur appears on the dais at all major pro-Israel events in the United States, and was recently nominated to co-chair a new women's association of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus. She has stated publicly that what lies ahead for Israel will make Hitler's Holocaust look like "a Sunday school picnic." As stated in an October 6, 2002 CBS "60 Minutes" segment entitled "Zion's Christian Solidiers", Arthur blamed God for the destruction of Jews she envisioned:
Ms. KAY ARTHUR (Precept Ministries): The Jews need conversion. They need to know that Messiah is coming. And the Bible tells us what's going to happen. Such unbabashed predictions of another "holocaust" that will be "worse than Auschwitz", far from uncommon, are industry standard in Christian Zionist literaturem, with titles such as "The Next Holocaust & the Refuge in Edom (Prophetic Updates)" by Chuck Missler, Israel's Final Holocaust" by Jack Van Impe, and The Road To Holocaust by Hal Lindsey. Thomas Ice, who works closely with Rev. Tim LaHaye, lays out the stock theological view inherent to most of Christian Zionist apocalyptic thought:
What one believes about the future of Israel is of utmost importance to one's understanding of the Bible. I believe, without a shadow of doubt, that Old Testament promises made to national Israel will literally be fulfilled in the future. This means the Bible teaches that God will return the Jews to their land before the tribulation begins (Isa. 11:11-12:6; Ezek. 20:33-44; 22:17-22; Zeph. 2:1-3). This has been accomplished and the stage is set as a result of the current existence of the modern state of Israel. The Bible also indicates that before Israel enters into her time of national blessing she must first pass through the fire of the tribulation (Deut. 4:30; Jer. 30:5-9; Dan. 12:1; Zeph. 1:14-18). Even though the horrors of the Holocaust under Hitler were of an unimaginable magnitude, the Bible teaches that a time of even greater trial awaits Israel during the tribulation. Anti-Semitism will reach new heights, this time global in scope, in which two-thirds of world Jewry will be killed (Zech. 13:7-9; Rev. 12). Through this time God will protect His remnant so that before His second advent "all Israel will be saved" (Rom. 11:36). In fact, the second coming will include the purpose of God's physical rescue of Israel from world persecution during Armageddon (Dan. 12:1; Zech. 12-14; Matt. 24:29-31; Rev. 19:11-21). "Blow The Trumpet In Zion" (Richard Booker (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image Publishers), actually makes explicit predictions about how many million Jews worldwide will die:
( pp. 112-118 ) TTA contributor Chip Berlet, Senior Analyst for Political Research Associates, provides some background on the recent history of "New World Order" conspiracism among John Hagee's fellow Christian Zionists such as Tim LaHaye and Pat Robertson in The Age Old Conspiracy Previous installments in an ongoing series, by several authors, on John Hagee and Christian Zionism: AIPAC Event Helps Mainstream Allegations Of "Satanic Liberal Jewish Conspiracy" Donohue Softpeddles Hagee's Catholic Bashing
Holocaust For Zion : CUFI's Christian Zionism Made Simple GOP House Minority Whip Roy Blunt To Help Nuclear War Advocate What Secret "Other Matters" Did McCain Discuss With "Apocalypse Now" Hagee ? recent stories from other authors: Max Blumenthal : AIPAC Cheers an Anti-Semitic Holocaust Revisionist (and Abe Foxman Approves) Sarah Posner: The Goy Who Cried Wolf: The Israel lobby gives America's leading Christian right warmonger a warm welcome
Friends Of Israel and AIPAC Envision "Israel's Final Holocaust" and "Jew Toast" | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)
Friends Of Israel and AIPAC Envision "Israel's Final Holocaust" and "Jew Toast" | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)