Gary DeMar's "Sexual Up-Side-Downism"
Gary DeMar, like Doug Phillips, is an influential leader in far right Christian homeschooling circles. Also, like Doug Phillips, DeMar's anti-gay rhetoric is deeply disturbing. How can these leaders have such a popular following given their extreme views? |
From DeMar's most recent anti-gay rant, "The Effects of Sexual Cultism", where he tries to connect the Christian/sex cult of David Berg with gay Christians:
Homosexuals who claim to be Christians believe that they can practice homo-sex "in the name of Jesus." The arguments that Berg was using to justify his view of sex are identical to those used by advocates of homosexuality. The "20/20" report failed to make the connection. [ ]
Homosexuals are chained to a particular sin. Their consciences are seared. A steady diet of sexual themes has resulted in sexual saturation where they are now beyond the point of absorbing any contrary opinion. To give up homosexuality would mean giving up life itself. Homosexuals expound the "All Things" doctrine, like David Berg, perverting the words of the apostle Paul: "All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything" (1 Cor. 6:12).
Homosexuals often use Scripture to normalize what the Bible describes as an "abomination." The very activity which Paul describes as "impurity," "degrading passions," "unnatural function," "indecent acts" (Rom. 1), homosexuals embrace with indignant vigor. They go out of their way to debauch the testimony of the Bible and its clear condemnation of homosexuality. [ ]
Even if--and it's a big if--the relationship between David and Jonathan were homosexual, this would not legitimize homosexuality. It would only prove once again that David was a sinner. David also committed adultery and was an accomplice to murder in the death of Uriah the Hittite. So we add to these the sin of sodomy. Are homosexuals ready to acknowledge that adultery and murder are also normative behavior for Christians? Just because a Bible character--even one as great as David--does something, this does not mean the behavior is lawful.
Scripture is clear: Homosexuality is denounced as a horrible sin, an abomination. An entire civilization--Sodom--was destroyed because evil had mounted, finally showing itself in the degrading passions of homosexuality. Could the Bible be any clearer in its denouncement of those who traffic in "strange flesh"? (Jude 1:7)
Homosexuals have created a fantasy world where only their perverse presuppositions have meaning. Their goal is to bring the rest of America with them into their fabricated universe of sexual up-side-downism.
Gary DeMar's "Sexual Up-Side-Downism" | 10 comments (10 topical, 0 hidden)
Gary DeMar's "Sexual Up-Side-Downism" | 10 comments (10 topical, 0 hidden)