Christian Reconstructionists vs. the Demonization of Islam
Now, a few days ago I wrote about a tendency, within the Chalcedon Foundation, towards Geocentrist beliefs. So, is Chris Ortiz is a geocentrist ? Well, even if he is that question is simply not relevant to Ortiz' critique of bellicose Christian rhetoric deployed against all of Islam : his argument rises or falls on it's own merit. What's worth noting, also, is this : The Chalcedon Foundation's apparent opposition to a US and / or Israeli attack on Iran is consistent with Chalcedon's theological positions. Christian Reconstructionist theology is post-Millennial meaning ; Reconstructionists feel that --instead of triggering events leading to the Tribulation, the Apocalypse, and Armageddon that must precede the Second Coming-- they instead must impose Christian theonomic rule - government under Biblical Law ( as parsed by RJ Rushdoony ) - and only after 1,000 years of theonomic rule will Jesus finally return. That theological view should lead Reconstructionists to take a very long view of history because, in Reconstructionist theology, the world is to be preserved, not blown up. So based on that ( I would assume ) Chris Ortiz, takes George Grant and reformed theonomists to task for jumping on the "demonize Islam" bandwagon :
"I'm a little taken aback at times by the underlying tone in many reformed-theonomic leaders as it relates to Islam and the War on Terror. Post 9/11 it's as if everyone's eyes are finally opened to the true threat to Christianity -- Islam. These are the same leaders who regularly decried the threat of Communism and the Soviet Union in the 1980s, and offered not much by way of Islam....
Christian Reconstructionists vs. the Demonization of Islam | 19 comments (19 topical, 0 hidden)
Christian Reconstructionists vs. the Demonization of Islam | 19 comments (19 topical, 0 hidden)