Rushing More to Rushmore: Religious Right Delivering Sledge Hammers to South Dakota
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Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 07:04:21 PM EST
Rev. Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority are part of the Religious Right around the country who are rushing to smash reproductive rights and install in South Dakota the nation's most far-reaching abortion ban. We used to talk about the "chipping" away of reproductive rights, but in the state of Mount Rushmore, the Religious Right wants to take sledge hammers and cudgels to women's autonomy and the right to privacy.

The focus is on the election in November, where voters will decide if South Dakota will install a total BAN on abortion and confer constitutional rights on a sperm and egg. The Christian Right is powering up to send aid and support.  As Falwell writes: "What happens in South Dakota will literally affect the future of America."

A key thing to know about this abortion ban is that is was sponsored by the theocratic right.  The mainstream media often ignores this point.

The Abstinence Clearinghouse headed by Leslee Unruh and located in South Dakota is the prime sponsor.  Now, Dr. Allen Unruh is now the head of a new anti-choice organization which is lobbying for the abortion ban.

How the ban got on the ballot is described below.  But how it is the forefront of the theocratic anti-abortion movement comes right from the Virginia center of Jerry Falwell.

Falwell tried to "deliver" his followers for the South Dakota ban on September 14, 2006, writing in a weekly newsletter of the  Moral Majority Coalition and The Liberty Alliance.

The pro-life movement in South Dakota needs your help ....

.... I hope you will step in.  I have told Dr. (Allen) Unruh and his team that I will do my best to deliver thousands of people who will financially help to win this historic battle ....

Dr. Unruh and I believe that if ever there were a time when Christians need to invest in a pro-life effort, the time is now and the place is South Dakota.  If the state wins this battle, other states could follow South Dakota's lead in the future, also determining to outlaw abortion.

I am urging my friends across the country to give generously to this vital campaign.

What happens in South Dakota will literally affect the future of America.

This ultra-reactionary abortion ban will be on the ballot in November because pro-choice forces are fighting back with great foresight and courage. (Talk about action: they took it!) The ban was passed by the legislature last winter, and signed by Gov. Mike Rounds in March.  

The bill is known as HB 1215 - you can read it in full here .  

Leslee Unruh and others who support it said that wanted to see it tested before a U.S. Supreme Court bench with two new Bush-appointed justices who are expected to support the anti-abortion cause -- Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts.  They promised South Dakota that anti-abortion allies would help foot the bill of taking a case to the Supreme Court.

Pro-choice activists refused to take the bait and decided to go a different route.  Instead, they swing into action and mounted a campaign to put the issue on the ballot in November, collecting thousands of signatures in a matter of weeks.  This also put the ban on hold.  

South Dakota voters can vote NO to HB 1215 to repeal this draconian measure.  Anti-abortion and religious right groups are mounting a vigorous national campaign, to make South Dakota the first state to turn the clock of women's rights back to the middle of the last century.  Allen Unruh's site is here.

Leslee Unruh, who heads the "crisis pregnancy center" Alpha Center as well as the Abstinence Clearinghouse, was central to pushing the measure through the legislature.  In some cases, lobbying marched forward with Abstinence Clearinghouse support, according to the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, D.C., which in July 2006 filed a complaint with the IRS.  

Dakota Today by Doug Wiken tracks the Abstinence Clearinghouse and reports that on research showing it has received $3 million from the federal government under abstinence programs.

Chief among South Dakota proponents (of the abortion ban HB 1215) publicly lobbying for the highly-restrictive legislation was the national Abstinence Clearinghouse and its executive director.

The Abstinence Clearinghouse, located in South Dakota, is a national organization with affiliates throughout the United States, including over a half-dozen affiliates in Ohio. Since 2002 the organization has received nearly $3,000,000 in government funding to develop national criteria for the review of abstinence-only curricula, develop a directory of approved curricula, provide technical assistance and consultation to federal abstinence-only grantees, and provide medically accurate training and information to grantees. Recently U.S. Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) has called for a federal investigation of the Abstinence Clearinghouse, contending conflicts of interest in contracting and inappropriate use of funds for lobbying purposes.

The AIDS Taskforce (of Cleveland, Ohio) is now adding to that call for a federal investigation, noting that Abstinence Clearinghouse executive director Leslee Unruh lobbied on behalf of the South Dakota abortion ban under the name of the Abstinence Clearinghouse, despite the fact that the non-profit organization receives taxpayer funds.

In 2003 and 2004 federal IRS tax filings, Ms. Unruh is listed simultaneously as executive director of the Abstinence Clearinghouse, and also as executive director of the Alpha Center, an anti-reproductive choice crisis pregnancy center that, like the Abstinence Clearinghouse, is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In 2004 Ms. Unruh reported compensation for 40 hours weekly as executive director of the Abstinence Clearinghouse was $109,920. In the same year her reported compensation as executive director of the Alpha Center at 30 hours a week was $57, 547.

Keeping reproductive freedom in South Dakota is a challenge -- but as Falwell notes, essential to convincing other states that this is not the time to turn back the clock on freedom.

Planned Parenthood is sponsoring potlucks around the country, and a theatrical group that I am part of, Words of Choice, will participate in public forums in South Dakota to help educate people about reproductive justice in a Go-Vote South Dakota tour.  

These efforts hope to engage people in conversations to counter the Falwell funds rushing to Rushmore.

Planned Parenthood and other groups are trying to save choice in South Dakota.  Read more here and here and
here and here.

by cyncooper on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 07:35:46 PM EST

Reading this ( and, thank you ) I can't but help think of the new sponsored "95-10 Initiative" that moiv recently wrote about on Talk To Action

The Democratic Party needs to develop some backbone and decide what its position on reproductive rights is.

by Bruce Wilson on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 08:04:12 PM EST

Thanks for adding that.  

For a real take-down on the passage of the South Dakota ban, including pictures of the leading cast of characters, I also recommend a March blog on Talk2Action by moiv --
moiv on south dakota ban with pics of unruhs.

by cyncooper on Sat Sep 30, 2006 at 11:57:52 PM EST

How's this for a position?

Abortion is a tragedy.  It's a tragedy that happens far too often.  But is it a worse tragedy than a woman who is pregnant from rape or a child pregnant from incest?    Is abortion a worse tragedy than an unwanted child placed into a system that cannot seem to cope with all the children they are responsible for and cannot manage to get them all adopted into good, stable homes?  Abortion is a tragedy but whether it is the best option available depends on the individual woman and the particular circumstances, and therefore it should remain a legal option.

Legal or illegal, abortion will always be an option for women, so safe abortions by medical professionals should remain a legal option.  And it should be an option that is exercised rarely.  Abortion should be an option of last resort for women faced with this type of decision.  We should do everything in our power to insure that women understand all their options; that birth control, safe sex, the morning after pill, abortion, as well as abstinence and adoption are options understood by all and available to all.  

I'm not a political strategist, nor am I a legislator, so this would be better written by one of them, but what about the basis for a position?  Abortion is not good, and we don't like it, but it should remain a legal option for women.

by DanielR on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 01:10:04 PM EST

is precisely the view of most prochoice leaders and organizations.

What you describe is the very definition of "choice."

by Frederick Clarkson on Tue Oct 03, 2006 at 04:48:24 PM EST

The policy perspective that you outline -- that abortion should be safe and legal and an individual option -- is a good one.  

But a lot of people would disagree that with the statement that abortion is a 'tragedy' and, in fact, believe that such language is not only untrue, but plays right into the hands of the religious right and its rhethoric of blaming and stigmatizing women for sex.  A good many people believe abortion is necessary health care. After all, clinics will tell you that the most common feeling that women express is relief.

Alas, it is also true that contraception is not merely the responsibility of women.  It takes two to tango, and men are able to prevent abortion by getting vasectomies, using condoms, and searching the globe for that elusive male birth control pill. Or they can engage in abstinence. In one feel swoop, problem ended.

The real tragedy lies more in the politication of women's basic health for partisan gain.

by cyncooper on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 12:02:50 AM EST

Abortion is a well-accepted part of standard western medical practice. It is wrong to play into the hands of the religious right and the opponents of abortion.  

While there are certainly many people who have strong mixed feelings about the entire subject, the vast majority of those nevertheless agree that it is and should remain a private choice and ought not be the subject of such rancor and partisanship.

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 05:07:25 AM EST

Thanks, Fred.

I also think it's important to state that women are moral decision makers, and they have the ability, capacity and judgment to make important decisions about whether and when to bear children.

The attempt to control women's decision making, it seems to me, comes from the same paternalistic thinking -- "we know what is best, you follow" -- that roils throughout the fundamentalist religious beliefs. In fact, as far as I can tell, it may be the one thing that unites fundamentalism across a wide array of religions.    

by cyncooper on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 07:45:38 AM EST

and that is why it is such a shame that ostensibly prochoice  leaders of the Democratic Party are pandering to religious right and conservative Catholics whose votes they will not and cannot get, instead of being strong and clear in uholding the values they claim to  represent.

by Frederick Clarkson on Wed Oct 04, 2006 at 01:41:00 PM EST

As I discuss in my current piece on the Thomas More Law Center, this group is highly involved in the South Dakota anti-choice legislation.

Excellent post Cyn!

by Frank Cocozzelli on Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 07:08:23 PM EST

For the record, South Dakota voters rejected the abortion ban.

An update is posted here: South Dakota Ban.

by cyncooper on Wed Nov 15, 2006 at 11:21:05 AM EST

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