The Shaming Project
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jul 03, 2006 at 10:44:29 PM EST
UPDATE, and a followup: PLease see the update on this story Richard Bartholomew has kindly posted and also my comment attached to Richard's update. Excerpt: A few days ago, as this story was heating up, I posted an idea - that the bloggers who say they support the "Stop The ACLU Coalition" should simply be asked, directly and politely - one by one as individuals with their own voices - whether they thought the outcome in Indian River was a good thing. I only emailed few people - 7 in all - and only received a response from one person, whose views I sharply differed with but who was willing to post his views and who was, in the email exchange, quite polite. However, nothing more than my call for such an undertaking - which really could have only worked if many joined in, because one person alone cannot serve as any sort of collective moral voice - had an unexpected result. Others in the group of 200 bloggers listed as supporting the "Stop The ACLU Coalition" stepped up as voices of moral clarity to shame an entrenched few who chose to hunker down and defend their behavior. When I called for such a project, there were voices on the left who told me that my idea was pointless because the group in question was "extreme" and all the same......

NOTE: this story was formerly titled "Jewish family flees Delaware Town Amidst Harassment and Alleged Death Threats"

But, I've since written this story up as a version I've placed on the front page of Talk To Action, and also as a story on the Daily Kos that was quite popular. So I'm converting this earlier version into an advertisement for a simple method by which those who feel a sense of outrage over the indicent in Indian River, MD can do something about it. I call it:

"The Shaming Project"

Here's my description of the project. The goal is to get bloggers who support the "Stop the ACLU Coalition" to state whether they support the impact of that coalition's efforts in Indian River ( or the possible impact ) or not.

The method is simple : email those members and ask them. Be direct, and be polite.

I've posted a few bloggers who I've initially contacted, towards the end of the discussion on my Daily Kos cover of the story.

ACTION ALERT : Stop The UCLU has assembled a crew of 200 bloggers to support its initiatives. Here is a link to a list of those 200 blogs

HERE'S MY PROPOSAL : Simple Shaming.

EMAIL the members on that list one by one and ask them if they think Nedd Kareiva and Stop the ACLU should be pleased by the outcome in Indian River. Be very neutral: let them speak for themselves. If they respond, then email them to ask if you can publish their response or if they'd like to take a public position on the matter. If they won't you can still justifiable characterize that as a refusal to comment. Do, there would be three groups - "supports", "doesn't support", and "refuses to comment".

Then, just list the blog you've contacted - and the response or not - on this diary. Later on, those can be collated and published in an organized form.

If the blog in question allows comments, ask directly on the blog. I you get one, reply and include a link to one of the blogs pieces I've mentioned that cover this story.

The point is to get each oe of the 200 bloggers aligned under Stop The ACLU to take a position or at least refuse to comment.

This is a simple shaming project but - as we've seen in the case of the recent incident involving the speaker of the Indiana House, Brian Bosma, who was moved by the Internet and also the goodness of his heart to make an apology to Jewish groups in Indiana [ kudos to dhonig of dKos for the legendary cartoon ] - shaming really, really does work

When You Are Done, Post The Internet Names of the Blogburst bloggers from the list linked to above, and their website URL's as well, in comments on this thread. You'll need to sign up with the site to do that.

So if you are so moved, shame away - Thanks !

A  former board member suggested that Mona Dobrich might "disappear" like Madalyn Murray O'Hair...Callers to the local radio station said the family should convert or leave the area. Someone called them and said the Ku Klux Klan was nearby....Classmates accused Alex Dobrich of "killing Christ" and he became fearful about wearing his yarmulke, the complaint recounts. He took it off whenever he saw a police officer... [ excerpts from article by Jews On First

Jews On First highlights a recent case in which, it seems, Christian supremacist persecution of a Jewish family, by many members of a Delaware town including town leaders, caused the family to sell its house and flee. One other family that is a plaintiff in the lawsuit mentioned below has decided to remain anonymous and has also left the town because of fears over retaliation.

We must now confront this : in America in the year 2006, a Jewish family has apparently been driven from their home, forced to flee because of death threats and mob harassment. Is this a model for a new American style of pogrom ?

[ excerpt from Jews On First article ] A large Delaware school district promoted Christianity so aggressively that a Jewish family felt it necessary to move to Wilmington, two hours away, because they feared retaliation for filing a lawsuit. The religion (if any) of a second family in the lawsuit is not known, because they're suing as Jane and John Doe; they also fear retaliation. Both families are asking relief from "state-sponsored religion."

The behavior of the Indian River School District board suggests the families' fears are hardly groundless.

The district spreads over a considerable portion of southern Delaware. The families' complaint, filed in federal court in February 2005, alleges that the district had created an "environment of religious exclusion" and unconstitutional state-sponsored religion.

The behavior of the Indian River School District board suggests the families' fears are hardly groundless.

The district spreads over a considerable portion of southern Delaware. The families' complaint, filed in federal court in February 2005, alleges that the district had created an "environment of religious exclusion" and unconstitutional state-sponsored religion.

Among numerous specific examples in the complaint was what happened at plaintiff Samantha Dobrich's graduation in 2004 from the district's high school. She was the only Jewish student in her graduatingclass. The complaint relates that local pastor, Jerry Fike, in his invocation, followed requests for "our heavenly Father's" guidance for the graduates with:

    I also pray for one specific student, that You be with her and guide her in the path that You have for her. And we ask all these things in Jesus' name.

Richard Bartholomew, on Bartholomew's Notes On Religion has dug up additional information on the incident not mentioned in the Jews On First article.

I'd like to thank Richard for pulling my attention back to this - I assumed, wrongly, that the Jews On First article would highlight the worst aspects from this ugly affair. I was wrong. That article contains hair raising details only hinted at by the story title which  considerably understates the extremity of the hatred levelled at the Dobrich family. Below is an excerpt:

[ from Jews On First article ]...The complaint recounts a raucous crowd that applauded the board's opening prayer and then, when sixth-grader Alexander Dobrich stood up to read a statement, yelled at him "take your yarmulke off!" His statement, read by Samantha, confided "I feel bad when kids in my class call me Jew boy."

 ...A  former board member suggested that Mona Dobrich might "disappear" like Madalyn Murray O'Hair, the atheist whose Supreme Court case resulted in ending organized school prayer. She disappeared in 1995 and her dismembered body was found six years later.

The crowd booed an ACLU speaker and told her to "go back up north."

In the days after the meeting the community poured venom on the Dobriches. Callers to the local radio station said the family they should convert or leave the area. Someone called them and said the Ku Klux Klan was nearby. [ emphasis mine ]

The Republic of T has more on thi story, especially in terms of related recent incidents in schools involving Christian harassment of non-Christians

Unfortunately, this incident is not an anomaly.

Here is a sampling of Talk To Action stories that have covered aspects of antisemitism and the Christian right:

"The Catholic League", mighty champion of bashing and anti-semitism ?, by Bruce Wilson

Why Pat Robertson believes Ariel Sharon has incurred the wrath of God by Joan Bokaer

Ted Haggard Wants Jews to be Afraid, by Richard Bartholomew

Evangelicals and U.S. foreign policy, by Esther Kaplan

Christian Zionism all juiced up,by Esther Kaplan

Anti-Semitism and the Christmas warriors, by Michelle Goldberg

Did Tim LaHaye Just Call Israelis "Not-To-Be-Trusted Yids?", by Max Blumenthal

Attack dogs, by Esther Kaplan

Falwell's "Gracious Correction" emphatic : No, Jews Can't Get Into Heaven, by Bruce Wilson

The End of Apologies?, by Esther Kaplan

Enough Hate Speech To Stun An Ox, by Bruce Wilson

Replacement Theology: "Those Darned Jews", by Bruce Wilson

Second major Jewish group in two weeks condemns dominionism, by dogemperor

I've dug into this a bit over on my blog, for anyone who's interested. The Indian River School District also extolls the value of "a couple of swats on a student's buttocks, done in the privacy of an administrator's office".

by Richard Bartholomew on Tue Jul 04, 2006 at 03:35:59 AM EST
Here are the members of "Blogburst" - who are listed as supporting "Stop The ACLU Coalition" - I have contacted so far. Join in with me !

url :

"Hi. I know this isn't on topic but it seemed like a faster way to get a message through :

I'm curious to know to what extent you support the "Stop The ACLU Coalition" in terms of the statement by that group's director that he is "pleased" by the effect his organization had in the Indian River case:

"Pogrom? I'm not sure I want to call it that. That is not an appropriate term, however, I am pleased that we had an effect in this case. We have others we want to put up on the site to shame them but have not gotten around to it." - Nedd Kareiva

for the exchange that provoked the statement above, please see:

Best, Bruce Wilson"

blogburst member : RightFaithRR

url :

Means of contact : email



I'm curious to know to what extent you support the "Stop The ACLU Coalition" in terms of the statement by that group's director that he is "pleased" by the effect his organization had in the Indian River case:

"Pogrom? I'm not sure I want to call it that. That is not an appropriate term, however, I am pleased that we had an effect in this case. We have others we want to put up on the site to shame them but have not gotten around to it." - Nedd Kareiva

It seems to me that the metrics for measuring Stop the ACLU Coalition's impact might be tricky, but I wanted to ask you - since you're a part of the Blogburst coalition - whether you think Nedd Kareiva should be pleased by the impact or not and what you think that impact might have been.

for the exchange that gave rise to the statement above, please see:

Best, Bruce Wilson

Five other Blogburst members contacted :

Crosses aCross america

oh how I love  Jesus

fundamentally right

middle america's worldview

just a girl

biblical christianity

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 05:49:15 PM EST

This is a relevant comment from Daily Kos member 2care4others :

How about a letter writing campaign? (1+ / 0-)

Recommended by:

I'm all for free speech, but when it turns into persecution of Americans due to their religious beliefs, I don't know if I can tolerate that.

I looked up the website info for and I found out who their webhost is. which is a webhost that directly ponts to - so I did a little searching. There is no TOS on the website, yet they list all their awards and state that they are so proud of their high ratings. I wonder, would they be proud of the type of activity their customer is involved in?

I found an email address: and I think it would be a great idea if E-Pluribus Media (and other journalists) email them and find out how proud they are that their customer is involving their company in this terroristic activity.

This is just a suggestion, of course.

It seems to me that the Domain Server could be considered an accessory if they allow this customer to be involved in using his website to persecute people by publishing their names and rallying the God Squad to harrass them.

On a side note, I found a link to a page where they answer questions about subpoenas for customer information. I've never seen this type of page on another server (maybe I live an isolated life, but I've shopped for my share of domain servers, and I've never come across this type of thing before). Could it be that expects their customers to be involved in terroristic and/or criminal activities?

It might be a good idea if you decide to do this to send them a link to the story. Make sure you mention that he published the name/address/phone number of the victims in this story.

Just a thought, do what you will with it.

Since ideas announced prematurely can at times migrate, I'll do a sketch on where this one can go tomorrow or Friday.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 11:37:00 PM EST

and much too important to be missed by casual readers or those who only have time to check the front page ... which is where I wish you would post this story.

by moiv on Tue Jul 04, 2006 at 06:27:19 PM EST
Maybe you're right/

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Jul 04, 2006 at 10:37:58 PM EST

I've started a little project, on my cover of this story posted on the Daily Kos website.

Here's my description of the project. The goal is to get bloggers who support the "Stop the ACLU Coalition" to state whether they support the impact of that coalition's efforts in Indian River ( or the possible impact ) or not.

The method is simple : email those members and ask them. Be direct, and be polite.

I've posted a few bloggers who I've initially contacted, towards the end of the discussion on my Daily Kos cover of the story.

ACTION ALERT : Stop The UCLU has assembled a crew of 200 bloggers to support its initiatives. Here is a link to a list of those 200 blogs

HERE'S MY PROPOSAL : Simple Shaming.

EMAIL the members on that list one by one and ask them if they think Nedd Kareiva and Stop the ACLU should be pleased by the outcome in Indian River. Be very neutral: let them speak for themselves. If they respond, then email them to ask if you can publish their response or if they'd like to take a public position on the matter. If they won't you can still justifiable characterize that as a refusal to comment. Do, there would be three groups - "supports", "doesn't support", and "refuses to comment".

Then, just list the blog you've contacted - and the response or not - on this diary. Later on, those can be collated and published in an organized form.

If the blog in question allows comments, ask directly on the blog. I you get one, reply and include a link to one of the blogs pieces I've mentioned that cover this story.

The point is to get each oe of the 200 bloggers aligned under Stop The ACLU to take a position or at least refuse to comment.

This is a simple shaming project but - as we've seen in the case of the recent incident involving the speaker of the Indiana House, Brian Bosma, who was moved by the Internet and also the goodness of his heart to make an apology to Jewish groups in Indiana [ kudos to dhonig of dKos for the legendary cartoon ] - shaming really, really does work. So if you are so moved, shame away !

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 05:01:15 PM EST

I've a bit more on Stop the ACLU's involvement here.

by Richard Bartholomew on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 04:31:38 AM EST
This is a classic shaming project that could be a replay of the succesful shaming effort against Brian Bosma, speaker of the Indiana house.

by Bruce Wilson on Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 09:49:33 AM EST
Bosma was successfully "shamed" into an apology for his 2% comment, but it really changed nothing. The court case Hinrichs v. Bosma on whether Indiana's state house prayers should be inclusive and non sectarian or not proceeds to the 7th Circuit Court in Sept. just the same, and his Christian supporters have no qualms denoucing other faiths through the newspaper... "only prayers to Jesus are heard by God, anything else is like praying to dead air."

Incidentally, as it pertains to the demonization of seculars, even Barry Welsh, the former minister and IN Democratic candidate for US Congress denounced the four Christians that filed suit on behalf of non sectarian prayer by saying "Real Christains would never do that."

Sometimes I think it is already too late....

by Vesica on Mon Jul 10, 2006 at 03:03:54 PM EST

It was truly interesting to read this post but also very scary. Frightening that that kind of things still happens in the modern world, good thing someone do something about it!
Tess, Web Designer working on the How To Get Bigger Erection project.
by Tess on Mon Feb 18, 2008 at 02:46:40 AM EST

nice blog, at first i couldn't get the topic but then i digged out a little and found more about it after i pay for essay online blog, it was a great thing to do, keep the efforts up looking forward for more positive reviews

by Richard Guiness on Sat Jul 16, 2016 at 07:40:31 AM EST

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