Battle Cry: Coming to a City Near You?
Researchers at Aquire the Evidence, who have tracked the group for some time report:
Ron Luce, founder of Teen Mania and organizer of the "BattleCry" campaign, appeared Monday evening, March 27, on "The O'Reilly Factor" program and again repeated the bogus claim that his organization, and by implication the "BattleCry" campaign are not political in nature. Clearly this is not the case. According to an article by Elizabeth A. Castelli about the Vision America conference, published at The Revealer: Perhaps the most explicit call to arms came from Ron Luce, the president and founder of Teen Mania, a Christian revivalist youth ministry, and the author of Battle Cry for a Generation, a multimedia campaign that deploys military images and language to recruit soldiers in Christ’s army. Toward the end of his speech, Luce invoked the biblical story of the Levite’s concubine in Judges 19. (In the story, the Levite’s concubine is gang-raped by men who wanted to do sexual violence to the Levite. When the Levite’s host refuses to deliver the Levite to the assailants, he offers them his own virgin daughter and the Levite’s concubine instead. When the assailants reject such an exchange, the Levite simply expels the concubine from his host's house, leaving her to be raped repeatedly throughout the night. The following morning, upon finding the concubine’s dead body on his host’s doorstep, the Levite dismembers her and sends her body parts out to the twelve tribes of Israel as a provocation to revenge.) “I kind of feel like the Levite,” Ron Luce confessed. And then he uttered a battle cry of his own: “CUT UP THE CONCUBINE! CUT UP THE CONCUBINE! CUT UP THE CONCUBINE!”A promotional email for this Fall's events states: The Wake Up Call coming to your area is a high-level briefing for you and your church leaders. At the event, you will be advised on the status of teenage America and what must be done to rescue them. You will also be given tools and resources to protect the future of your church and to educate parents about the attack on their children. Top voices in the Christian community, including Ted Haggard, Jack Hayford, Tommy Barnett, I.V. Hillard, and Jerry Falwell, will present the hard facts facing our culture and what we must do... Alarm and outrage are not enough. We must fight back! For all the hoo ha, these events are not likely to be big militarist rallies with young people standing and giving fascist salutes. The are being held in churches, and will probably be oriented to stirring-up young people into aggressive forms of evangelicalism; perhaps recruit them into the Christian Right to wage culture war; and perhaps recruit them into the GOP going into the fall election campaign. It will be worth people's time to check these events out, and sort out the hype from the reality. Here are the details of the kick off event:
August 1, 2006
8/1 - North Reading, MA
Battle Cry: Coming to a City Near You? | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Battle Cry: Coming to a City Near You? | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)