"Gentle Christians" of OSA Desecrate the Koran
Ecclesiastical Court was held at the State Capitol Building this afternoon. "Roe" of Roe vs. Wade, Miss Norma McCorvey, and Bob Enyart, host of Bob Enyart Live radio program, were among the speakers. Of course, we are meant to understand that Benham only did such a thing in order to manifest Christian love. And to be accurate, Flip sort of didn't really do the deed himself, either. Since he's previously been arrested for setting illegal fires that endangered bystanders . . . . . . perhaps Benham felt that discretion was the better part of valor. So as he's also done before, he had a group of little kids perform the actual dirty work for him. Third graders are hardly ever arrested, so "suffer the little children," and all that.
Pastor Flip Benham, had the children present gather close to him and asked them to rip up each evil Supreme Court ruling as it was read. The rulings were: Engle vs. Vitale (1962) which silenced the prayers of children in our schools; Abington vs. Schemp (1963) removed the Bible from school; Roe vs. Wade (1963) removed personhood and humanity of the unborn; Stone vs. Graham stripped the Ten Commandments from walls of classrooms; Planned Parenthood vs. Casey (1992) declared man can determine his own reality, standards, and meanings apart from the objective truth of Almighty God; and Lawrence vs. Texas ruled that there is a constitutional right to homosexual sodomy. Then the Ecclesiastical Court heard testimony that explained why Flip Benham's version of God shall not suffer a Rainbow Flag to flutter . . .
Bob Enyart said that one-third of children molested are boys molested by men. It's not true, he said, that molesters are not homosexual. "Millions around the world have died torturous deaths from AIDS as a result of homosexual sodomy. Even the words used to defend homosexuality show that it's wrong," he said. "You don't `tolerate' something good but rather something filthy." . . . or an unconverted Muslim to live.
Flip told the crowd that we have three choices with Muslims, kill them, be killed by them, or convert them. "Which is your choice?" he asked. "While not all Muslims are terrorists, all terrorist are Muslims," he said. "We destroy the Koran, not to desecrate their religion, but to set them free." Wednesday's outrage was not a first for Flip Benham. Public destruction of the scriptures of Islam has become a favorite ritualistic showpiece of his. Two years ago, during OSA's Ohio crusade, Benham held a Burning of the Abominations at the Columbus City Hall, where he ripped up and burned the Koran with the participation of "Coach" Dave Daubenmire of Minutemen United. Photo: BARF.org The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 2003 provides a succinct explanation of hate crime.
a crime in which the defendant intentionally selects a victim, or in the case of a property crime, the property that is the object of the crime, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, or sexual orientation of any person.
That would seem to define Flip Benham's own personal "God" as a god of hatred. But I guess we already knew that. [Title photo from Operation Save America]
"Gentle Christians" of OSA Desecrate the Koran | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 hidden)
"Gentle Christians" of OSA Desecrate the Koran | 9 comments (9 topical, 0 hidden)