Whited Sepulchers
After all, even though eighty percent of HIV-positive Russians are between the ages of 15 and 29, the Bush administration could have spent only so much supplying posters, mountain bikes and rollerblades for a two week USAID campaign urging Russian teens to "Be Faithful to Your Love." Last September, Christian Today reported a somewhat belated move by the Russian Orthodox Church toward recognition of the world's fastest-growing HIV population.
As part of the new programme, the Church will work side by side with HIV/AIDS patients and their families offering spiritual guidance. Priests and nuns will also be stationed at in hospitals to offer hands-on help to hospital staff and HIV/AIDS patients, reported the Associated Press. Predictably enough, Russian evangelicals have responded to the mushrooming HIV crisis with the same U.S.-approved abstinence-only message that is decimating Uganda..
The leading evangelical mission organisation in Russia - Russian Ministries - has recently started a new initiative to spread "Biblical values" and an "anti-drug [and] sexual purity" message among Russian children and youth. When James Dobson finishes translating youth materials into Russian, he and the rest of God's favorite children devote some time to making sure that their "pro-family" gospel is dispersed round the world via their participation in the World Congress of Families. The WCF is sponsored by The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society, founded in 1976 to propagate "the authentic voice of the American Heartland." Allan Carlson, who led the "paleo-conservative" Rockford Institute before founding the Howard Center, began planning the World Congress of Families in 1995. Ms. Magazine reports that at the gathering of the World Congress of Families in March 2004, all the usual suspects from the religious right -- Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, Human Life International, Population Research Institute, the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and miscellaneous Bush administration officials -- were joined for the first time by an official delegation from Russia. Russia's attendance must have thrilled CWA president Wendy Wright, who condemned the 2002 CEDAW Committee for suggesting that Russia "strengthen... affordable access to contraceptive measures for all women in all regions" and "include sex education in the school curriculum." And the reason for Wright's disapproval? "[I]t is disturbing that the Committee consistently urges governments to interfere and exert pressure in personal and cultural issues. Equally disturbing is an international body injecting itself into domestic social and political affairs of sovereign nations." But as the conference's agenda makes clear, it's all right if you're a "Christian."
The conference's theme --"The Natural Family and the Future of Nations: Growth, Development and Freedom"-- sounds benign and uncontroversial; in reality, it's a strategic camouflage for a familiar set of favorite ultraconservative causes: an intolerant version of heterosexuality and marriage that precludes recognition of gay unions, is anti-abortion, anti-contraception and anti-sex education. Following the second WCF event in Geneva in 1999, "pro-family" organizations were set up in a dozen countries, including Russia. Among over 3,300 delegates to the 2004 World Family Congress was Dr. Anatoli Antonov of Moscow Lomonsov State University, Russia's most prestigious university and research institution. Antonov edited a recently published Russian edition of Society, Family & Person, whose author -- Allan Carlson, founder and president of WCF sponsor The Howard Center -- he praised as a "a brilliant modern representative" of the "alternative school of American sociology." Speakers and delegates to the WCF made their own modern sociological guidelines for national and international family policy abundantly clear, as summarized by Peter Sprigg, senior director of policy studies at the Family Research Council and an FRC representative at WCF.
None of which offers any hope to Russian children with HIV who live in isolation inside locked orphanage cells, or to tens of thousands of drug addicts who risk arrest if they attempt to legally purchase clean needles in pharmacies, and who are denied medical treatment by the Russian government because of their addictions. And obedient to the wishes of the religious right, our own government continues to withhold funds for needle exchange programs that could save their lives. In March 2004, U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission in Russia John Beyrle addressed a Moscow meeting of the TransAtlantic Partnership Against AIDS.
"The United States made some critical mistakes in our early response to the spread of HIV-AIDS in our own country. Too many people mistakenly assumed in the United States in the early 1980s that HIV-AIDS only represented a threat to gay men and intravenous drug users, that it wouldn't affect average American families. But our sad experience showed that they were wrong. Anyone can contract AIDS. And we are determined to see that our friends and partners in Russia do not make this same mistake." Maybe Mr. Beyrle should repeat that speech to some of the Bush administration's "friends and partners" right here at home. And do it quickly, too, before they catch the next plane for Russia. One-year and eight month old Nikita Druzhkov, one of the 37 children housed in a special orphanage for HIV-infected children in St. Petersburg on November 27, 2003. [Reuters photo] "For ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones..." Matthew 23:27 [Title graphic from Agencia de Noticias da Aids] .
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