Help Write This Book: The Sequel
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jun 22, 2006 at 08:06:01 PM EST
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Last week, I wrote about the opportunity I have to revise and update my book about the religious right, Eternal Hostility: The Struggle Between Thecracy and Democracy. A lot has happened since it was first published. Revised and updated -- and with a fresh introduction from a prominent person (suggestions welcome!) -- it would be like a brand new book.

I explained that I needed research, editorial, and financial help to make it a go, because I need to drop everything and do it on a crash basis. I also needed more opportunities to speak to groups -- and probably other stuff that I had not thought of. Well, I was delighted to receive many kind offers for assistance of various sorts, for which I am very grateful if a bit overwhelmed, and I hope to make the most of it all. (My apologies if I have not gotten back to you yet, I will!) (This shows the possibilities in the blogoshere for new ways of not only promoting books and ideas, but using it to organize to get books written and published. ) But while rich in offers of talented assistance -- I am far short in the critical area of finding enough funds to free my time for a month or so to do the revising, updating and related work and the inevitable expenses of some of the research. If I can't find the funds asap, well, the book will be reprinted pretty much as is, without a major update. That would be a bummer.

But it is still possible to pull this off.

I am all over the place looking for the funds -- as authors and anybody else with a project would do.  I still think we can do this, but my publisher needs to know pretty soon so they can plan accordingly.

As I mentioned, some of the update will come from material I have blogged about. But also some thing require some further work. One I am particularly excited about developing further is my chapter on rethinking the strategy in response to the religious right.In it, I explain what I consider to be the four core elements of the strategy of the religious right; and five key elements of what a successful counter strategy should look like.

There are still three main things you can do to help (Click, here, scroll down.) Buy an advance copy of the updated book; buy a copy of the current edition (signed, of course!); make a donation. (Updated ways of making online donations coming soon!)

One thing that has come up -- very tentatively -- is a speaking tour and doing some organizing in Ohio, perhaps during August. As you probably know, Ohio is a hotbed of the new generation of religious right organizing, led by Rev. Rod Parsley and the Ohio Restoration Project, and thier candidate for governor, Ken Blackwell. If you are interested in this possibility, please contact me at writertypes at gmail dot com

In addition to Ohio, I have pretty definite events planned for Oklahoma in September and St. Louis in November. If you know of anyone that might like to host and event or events while I am in the neighborhood, or can be involved in some other way, please let me know.

As you may know, I have a long track record of media appearances over many years. For example, my next gig will be as a guest on Air America's Mike Malloy show (Laura Flanders, guest hosting) on Tuesday, June 27th. (I like radio. It is like having an animated, intimate political conversation, often on the telephone, but with a lot of people listening in.)

In practical terms what this means is that I will be on the road, and in the media for much of the fall in the run up to the elections and beyond, with a revised and updated book (or not revised and updated), to sell, and a message that you may agree should be more widely heard and discussed. I can give people useful information and analytical frameworks, and inspiration and encouragement for poltical and electoral involvement in response to the religious right. I emphasize for example, such things as the danger of Christian nationalism, why it is necessary to counter it -- and how to do it. These are things that you are unlikely to hear from the many fine folks who emphasize spiritual progressivity as an alternative to the religious right -- but are not very far along in developing more organized political and electoral responses.

I'm all ears.

by Frederick Clarkson on Thu Jun 22, 2006 at 10:47:02 PM EST

A targeted appeal by e-mail with a link directly to the online contribution page you mentioned should supplement the requests posted on websites like TTA, though I suspect you've already got that in the works.

As far as who to target, also something I'm sure you've already thought about:
*Fellow board members (of whatever boards you're on that might be relevant),
*Everyone who's ever bought your book online (it would mean you have their e-mail address, right?),
*"Content colleagues" (forgive the made up term), like your fellow TTA, Cortex, and Liberal Oasis writers,

I think getting that online contribution thing in place right away would help. In direct marketing they talk about "facilitating the yes"--making it easy to respond to the appeal or, as it were, the sales pitch.

[Secure] online contribution pages are, to my mind, sort of like the pre-paid response envelopes of classic direct mail; they make it easy to say yes.

(Also, since it's not clear how many funds are needed, you probably want to suggest various dollar amounts.)

Just some thoughts!

by IseFire on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 10:53:49 AM EST
Your suggestions are already a help of course....

I know you're swamped - as we all all.  But, you seem to have some knowledge in this area.

Also, on "The Reverse Marshall Plan"....

Let's talk. I wrote up that idea about 2 years ago : the time may now be ripe.

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 01:01:15 PM EST

Is there also a need for proofing of the current edition for any typos/printing errors, so that they can also be corrected in the new edition? (Maybe over the years you've already found those, if any, and marked up a copy of the manuscript...or even just already made all such changes to the digital file.)

Aaaanyway, I and my red pen are ready for proofing if you'd like. I'm a bit out of practice, (except for proofing snatches of ad and PR copy at work), but I'm willing to donate time to for such if you need.

by IseFire on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 11:02:56 AM EST

don't take my misspellings and typos in my online posts as indication of my skills! :D 

Obviously, grammatical standards online are a lot lower than they are for printed matter! :)

by IseFire on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 11:06:52 AM EST
I have marked up a copy over the years and the publisher has allmy corrections that will be fixed for a reprint.  If we tear up the chapters with revisions and updates, fresh proofreading will be in order.  But it remains to be seen if we will be able to do an update right  now.

by Frederick Clarkson on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 01:30:45 PM EST
a secure donations page is in the works.

by Frederick Clarkson on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 01:31:48 PM EST

It makes no sense that they would not be covering the costs cited.

by rational on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 02:12:11 PM EST
my publisher is small, and has had financial troubles in recent years. But the truth is that few publishers offer much in the way of decent advances or much of anything to other than the most prominent and best selling of authors.  Writing is  undervalued and under compensated work, particularly of progressive non-fiction and particularly of writing about the religious right. 

The right invests in its authors and pays them well. This has been part of the general strategy of the "War of Ideas" that has been waged for several decades. Our side does not generally support writers, and takes them for granted. And the issue is not just me. I am simply choosing to be public about my opportunity and need at this time.  There are many, many other writers who face similar situations all the time.

by Frederick Clarkson on Fri Jun 23, 2006 at 02:28:16 PM EST

from the New York Interfaith Alliance to design the Capital District conference that I mentioned here a few months back.  I'm planning for February at the earliest to April at the latest.  Fred, I need details about honorariums and schedules.  

What is projected is a keynote address with dialogical style responses from clergy leadership of various denominations including Roman Catholic, follow up break out groups and small group panals around specific subtopics.  

The purposes of the conference will be education, motivation, and networking in this specific area (many of the people in our target audience will already have worked together in some arenas). Target groups will be religious professionals and denominationally active laypeople.

 The end result we are looking for is some kind of emergency clericus and lay organization that will:

  1. go into high gear when any group recognizes the presence of trouble makers in action
  2. maintain an ongoing relationship with regional media
  3. occasionally meet for education updates
  4. cooperate with other progressive groups to educated and motivate voters.
This is obviously a preliminary and flexible working description.  I will have a much better sense of the format after the first Monday in August.  

The message I sent to the talk2action_admin email address resulted in an unreadable error message so I don't know who received it and who didn't.  I also e-mailed Bruce with a brief description so he has my e-mail address.

Can we talk?

by tikkun on Sun Jun 25, 2006 at 01:14:27 AM EST

Sounds like you are doing some great work, tikkun! I'd be honored to be part of it.

There is a working email in the diary above, and a personal email you can find in my profile by clicking on my name.

Talk to you soon.

by Frederick Clarkson on Sun Jun 25, 2006 at 02:04:00 AM EST

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