Jan & Paul Crouch, World's Largest Broadcasters
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Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 08:03:28 PM EST

In the continuing series of postings on individual portraits, bios, quotes and links on the major "American Fundamentalists" portrayed in my painting, this week features Paul & Jan Crouch, owner/operators of Christian television network TBN. I welcome your comments, further quotes and links on these individuals and the groups they run and/or support (to be included on my site).

Founders of TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) with Jim Bakker (who later left under a cloud of scandals and divorced his wife Tammy Fay), the Crouches preach a form of Evangelical Christian theology which assures the viewers that if they send money (to them, of course) Jesus will give back even more worldly riches. It's worked for the Crouches: their network broadcasts all over the world, they have purchased a $5,000,000 home in Newport Beach in the late '90s, and they have political influence in many 3rd world countries because of their wealth and worldwide media infiltration.

Paul Crouches' "Captain of the Hosts" phrase, seen at the end of the credit crawl of their shows, refers to a host ponzi-scheme he seems to be running: as the main "host" and owner of the network, he then leases time to many other "hosts," ministries and programming, including Benny Hinn (the ultimate in big-scale theatrical money preachers), D. James Kennedy and many "Christian Rock" videos and concerts (including Carman, the clean-cut Christian Wayne Newton). These other hosts raise money through their programming, and Paul gets his cut before Jesus (or anyone else) gets theirs. But Jesus, of course, is the "Captain" of all hosts, apparently shining down on Paul, who rests at the top of the earthly host heap (take that Robertson!). It's just lucky for Paul that the son of god doesn't show up every week with a paper bag demanding his protection money.

Together with his wife Jan (with her white dogs and huge fluorescent wigs) they seem almost clown-like and not a serious threats to democracy as we know it, but like George W with his aw-shucks demeanor and word gaffs, don't be deceived by the surface - the Crouches own and actively run the largest over-air broadcast network on the planet! Although these days they seem more concerned with being Hollywood movie producers and attacking their critics (both internal and external), they have amazing access to world political and economic leaders. The media power and the money that they wield, along with the extremist Christian Fundamentalists ideology that they and their programmers hammer 24 hours a day into homes across the world, force upon them a certain amount of responsibility for what they hath wrought - the idea that a return to superstition, top-down authoritarianism and intolerance are the "Christian" way to live.

But it's a good thing Jesus also forgives - just recently it was revealed that Paul has been paying off a former driver/personal assistant to keep their homosexual trysts a secret (whoops, not anymore).

"The parade of guests who are featured on Paul and Jan Crouch's TBN programming runs the gamut from the serious, sound Christian thinkers and ministers to the superficial, silly, and outright heretical. How many viewers can tell the difference? How many care to try? Spiritual gullibility is widespread throughout out culture, of course, but the Word-Faith movement is part of the problem, not part of the solution" ("The Word-Faith Controversy" by Robert M. Bowman Jr.)


"He [God] doesn't even draw a distinction between Himself and us. You know what else that's settled, then, tonight? This hue and cry and controversy that has been spawned by the Devil to try and bring dissension within the body of Christ that we are gods. I am a little god! I have His name. I'm one with Him. I'm in covenant relation. I am a little god! Critics, be gone! (Praise The Lord, July 7, 1986)

"God, we proclaim death to anything or anyone that will lift a hand against this network and this ministry that belongs to You, God. It is Your work, it is Your idea, it is Your property, it is Your airwaves, it is Your world, and we proclaim death to anything that would stand in the way of God's great voice of proclamation to the whole world. In the Name of Jesus, and all the people said Amen! Speak, declare, prophesy the victory and purpose of God for TBN. No license will be revoked. No station will be shut down. This is the Word of the Lord. No station will be shut down. Oh, no, exclamation point! I am giving into your hand more licenses and more stations even more powerful than those that was threatened by the enemy."


  • Crouch Time by Max Blumenthal, The American Prospect Online, Sep 22, 2004

Los Angeles-based artist Joel Pelletier is the creator of "American Fundamentalists (Christ's Entry into Washington in 2008)", an 8x14 foot painting depicting American religious, political and economic fundamentalists. He has been touring the US with the painting talking about "American Fundamentalism and the Threat to Democracy and Freedom of Faith" (more at americanfundamentalists.com)

Paul certainly has the gift of gab, and I'm sure there are those out there who keep track of this stuff. I would love to have an extensive list of the programmers who lease time, especially Christian theocratic leaders, but also money-guys like Rev. Dollar, etc. The Crouches have been producing their own version of "Code" and "Left Behind" films, including a recent series featuring Michael York as the anti-christ. What are they up to now? I don't have the stomach to monitor the broadcasts anymore (which remind one of the CSPAN house coverage, with blowhards at the mic and occaisional pans to an empty hall, but with music), so I welcome your insights!

by joelp on Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 08:13:20 PM EST
Well, I can tell you that the majority of people who lease time on TBN tend to be of the "name it and claim it" or "spiritual warfare" subgroups of dominion theology as it is practiced in the Assemblies of God; in fact (and this is a trend that has been around since the very beginnings of televangelism on radio back in the early 1910s) most televangelism is and has been historically dominated by the Assemblies of God, seeing as they kind of invented the tactic.

A perusal of TBN's daily schedule includes listings of "name it and claim it" practitioners like Creflo Dollar, Jesse Duplantis (whom is also a regular at the dominionist church I am a walkaway from, so I am intimately familiar with his idiocy in particular), Joyce Meyer, Paula White, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, John Hagee, Fredrick Price, and others.

Of particular note, both New Life Church and World Harvest Church have programming on TBN (both Ted Haggard and Rod Parsley have programs on, and World Harvest Church is in fact largely funded through the televangelism industry).  Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice also has a program online.  Ron Luce, infamous in past for the "RIOT Manual" and more recently for the "BattleCry" rallies run by Teen Mania Ministries, also has a program; Greg Laurie, who has been connected to dominionist movements, also has a program.  

Keep in mind, this was all on the FRIDAY listing.   On other days, Carl Baugh (operator of the group Answers in Genesis) promotes young-earth creationism; the 700 Club, which is still carried on ABC Family thanks to a restrictive covenant that Pat Robertson forced ABC to sign when he sold the Family Channel to them, is also carried.  (A full weekly schedule is here.)

It should also be noted that Paul Crouch himself is an Assemblies-linked "name it and claim it" promoter, and his wife is reportedly also linked to the Assemblies; the links are extensive enough that TBN acts as a de facto broadcasting wing of the Assemblies and in particular some of the most spiritually abusive persons in the pente and neopente movements.  

Also, Rodney Howard-Browne (who is instrumental in popularising what is now known as "Toronto", "Pensacola" or "Third Wave" pentecostalism--which includes "spiritual warfare" as a core theology) has been a regular on TBN in past.

It is not exaggeration to state that TBN is, in fact, best describable as the Pentecostal Dominionism Channel.

Ministry Watch, a group that acts as a watchdog agency regarding church charities, has in fact strongly recommended that people not donate to any charities affilited with TBN and has in fact issued donor alerts in regards to multiple televangelists shown on TBN--in particular, Benny Hinn Ministries.  TBN itself has been investigated for a lack of financial accountability.

One of the more disturbing trends re TBN, too, is that it is becoming a fairly major player in the "translator godcasting" market--specifically, TBN has been buying up thousands of TV and FM translator licenses (licenses for low-powered stations that are designed to boost signal in a weak-signal area) to set up massive nationwide "godcasting" networks via a loophole that allows nonprofit stations to set up translator stations literally across the country from their home station in some cases.  A preliminary search of RECnet's databases show that Trinity Broadcasting--through itself and nine other DBA names--has licensed over 589 radio and television stations across the country, nearly all of which are TV translator stations for flagship station KTBN.

If you'd like quotes from the persons on TBN, there is probably no better source exposing them  than Deception In The Church; I'd start with the main "word-faith" section, and then check individually by preacher.  

Here are a few sites, admittedly several operating from apologetics standpoints, that have quotes that you may find useful:
Quotes from multiple preachers on TBN
audio clips from various preachers on TBN
quotes from various "name it and claim it" preachers, including on TBN (includes note of Paul Yonggi Cho who has been linked with Rick Warren)
List of quotes from TBN preachers
notes on how Paul and Jan Crouch are explicitly pente dominionists
quote from Paula White's church (Paula White is a lesser-known "name it and claim it" promoter)
More  quotes from TBN preachers specifically in connection with "spiritual warfare" movements

I would also recommend reading my essay on pente dominion theology and on Cho and spiritually abusive tactics within "deliverance ministry" groups, as all of these articles will complement the quotes you will find and give some backgrounder--and the quotes will also help you understand just how far down the rabbit hole the world described in those articles is.

(Yup, I'm a survivor of that.  's why I raise cain about it now. :3)

by dogemperor on Fri Jun 16, 2006 at 07:58:34 AM EST

I address this to everyone but especially Dog Emperor since you have a lot of knowledge of these groups. We talk a lot about the leaders of this movement and how they're pulling a giant con to gain money and power. But maybe we need to spend more time trying to figure out what makes so many people fall for this stupidity. Anyone can be conned by a smart con man. But I've watched these shows, and even gone to some services. The con game they're playing isn't that clever. I sincerely do not understand how someone not born in to this kind of church can be so easily fooled by this nonsense. I know I sound smug, but that's not my intent. I genuinely don't get it. And I wonder if any of you have done any study of what draws people in to these abusive, crooked and greedy churches. If we better understood what motivates the flock, we'd be much more effective in fighting the religious right.

by Dave on Fri Jun 16, 2006 at 10:55:09 PM EST
I realize this response will get under the skin of many "people of faith" on this site, but he DID ask the question. Let's face it, it's the obvious answer...

World's oldest profession: prostitution
World's oldest con: religion
(Note that many ancient religions combined the two...)

My personal view is that anyone suceptible to the promises of faith and religion (never die, pray for money, etc) are more gullible by definition, so are easier marks. Skeptics are (by definition) more skeptical...

If you believe that God speaks thru someone (truly believe), then anything they say is gospel. Including the "send me your money" parts. Amplify that over the world's largest broadcast network and you'll find plenty of those who will buy it, hook, line and sinker. This is another reason the Crouch's media empire is so potentially damaging and dangerous - it's a way-too-efficient transfer of wealth mechanism from some of the poorest on the planet to so VERY few and VERY rich.

by joelp on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 02:26:48 PM EST

by Dave on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 03:28:43 PM EST

Probably the best way to find out how they sucker people in is to study the techniques and tactics used by coercive religious groups in general.  (One may as well ask how people get recruited into, say, Scientology.)

I've written on this fairly extensively in my diary, but in particular I'll refer you to these posts:

Dominionist groups as coercive religious groups?
Dominionism and coercive tactics, part 1 (notes on how dominionist groups often cross the line to spiritual abuse)
Dominionism and coercive tactics, part 2 (direct comparison between "deliverance ministry"--often promoted by TBN's preachers--and Scientology)

by dogemperor on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 08:30:46 AM EST

The problem is that these deal with the what rather than the why. I know what their tactics are, though you're far more knowledgeable about the specifics. What I'm trying to figure out is why these tactics work. Why would people run toward, instead of away from, such abusive churches. It's sort of like the two sides of a disease. You're telling me all about the germ that causes it, but I want to learn about the immunity of the host. In other words, what makes a person more or less susceptible to this germ?

by Dave on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 03:07:00 PM EST
One interesting theory put forth by the author of this book is that those with the "gullibility gene" (my term) succeeded and evolved over the millennia, because primitives willing to buy the moralistic "do good or get zapped by god" tended to get along better and prosper, and those more anarchically-inclined wiped themselves out.

Whether it's an actual part of the brain, or just an inherited tendency (nature is full of animal examples of inherited vs. learned behavior), it may have helped us get this far, but it may also be our downfall. It's much easier to kill everyone who disagrees with your myths and beliefs now - and I mean EVERYONE, not just those guys in the next village.

Following this theory, skeptics and atheists are no different from homosexuals (or color-blindness, etc.) in that they represent a consistent genetic mutation. They don't "believe" because they can't.

by joelp on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 04:40:24 PM EST

I recommend Dom Stasi's excellent essay, Moral Victory: Religious Exploitation, and the New American Creed

This is a brief excerpt from a longer piece that is well worth anyone's time.

Firmly ensconced in HBO's fledgling engineering department, and with our early successes a matter of technical record, I suddenly found myself being invited to speak at seminars on how to do this TV from space thing.
But it was a tutorial for TV execs in the deep South that would remain an event apart from all the others. Though I was a speaker, I was still new to the entertainment business, so I knew no one in attendance. But my talk had gone well, the college teaching experience was paying off, so there would be no problem finding eager dinner companions among so large an audience.

Descending the podium, I had noticed but a single empty chair in the entire room. Taking it, I found myself at a table of strangely egalitarian folk. They were gentle in manner. They welcomed me expansively. They introduced themselves. To my delight, they spoke less of arcane technology than they did of their fellow man and their responsibilities toward humanity that such technology could help them fulfill.

I listened, interested, noting that they all had that sort of deliberate not quite real Dixie accent that I'd learned to recognize in actors when playing Southern characters before the camera. But why here? Their names - remarkable in retrospect, but hardly noteworthy at the time - were Jimmy Swaggart, Paul Crouch, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, and a guy named Billy Batts. I was present, I know now, at American Televangelism's Big Bang, or if you prefer, its Genesis. Big league Fundamentalist Christian TV Evangelism was born at that table that day.
Another dinner companion that fateful night was Paul Crouch. Like Robertson and Jesus, Crouch, the televangelist, and story telling founder of Trinity Broadcast Network (TBN), started out with virtually nothing. Using a rented studio in southern California and a set made from his living room furniture and shower curtain, Crouch went on the air from Burbank. He claims that later, in 1975 to be exact, he was visited by God one night. God projected a map of the United States on Paul's ceiling, and told him about satellite technology. God went on to tell Paul Crouch how the satellite (No, not the moon. God forgot to put batteries in that satellite. We're talking modern here.) would allow him to broadcast to all those cities all across America.

Thanks to God's little slide show on Paul Crouch's ceiling, Paul would have no further need of his living room sofa and shower curtain as a set. In fact, today he sits upon a golden throne in a velvet-curtained studio, all of it generously funded by the $126,000,000.00 in annual donations from his faithful viewers in satellite television land. I often wonder why Paul Crouch came to that seminar at all. Why listen to dopes like me babble on when God Himself had already told Paul about satellite television? Funny how Crouch never mentioned his nocturnal visit from God. It would have been great dinner conversation. Because, except for that smelly guy I always see at the corner of Hollywood and Vine, I've never met anyone who's been visited by God.
Bush's style appeals to what the TV ministers call their "Value Voters." So, let the exit polls be damned, the Evangelicals carried the day for their poster boy. If they didn't, they at least gave the Republican crooks who own this president a plausible vehicle to which they might attribute the otherwise inexplicable vote counts in this year's national election. They have changed our country into something its founders never intended it to be, a virtual theocracy, and they did it through abuse of the very system first designed to prevent it.

by moiv on Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 09:18:13 PM EST

It's worth reinforcing the point that TBN is building a massive stockpile of liquid assest. They currently have over $400 million in cash, short-term, and long-term financial instruments, and are raking in an annual profit that's over $70 million per year (on an annual revenue of less than $200 million).

No other charity I know of operates in this manner, and it begs the question "why are they doing it?".  It's not as though they are taking their foot off the gas with their fund raising.  Recent newsletters are still urging their "faithful" to dig a little deeper and still complaining that only a small portion of their viewers give them any money at all.

Of course, with their board of directors stuffed with close friends and relatives, the chances of any real financial accountability are nil and as far as I can find out, they have yet to give any reason for their amassing of liquid assets on this scale.

by tacitus on Fri Jun 16, 2006 at 03:06:07 PM EST

I don't know about the pink wigged one.  She is both funny and pathetic (shrewd?)

In 2004 I was having a business lunch in a restaurant in Newport Beach.  In comes Paul with a small entourage and sits in the table next to ours.

His "bling" included a tacky diamond studded Rolex and gold rings.  He ordered Crystal champagne (this  is lunch!) and acted as if he was some sort of royalty.

I wonder what "god" this is a man of.

by Shockwave on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 11:55:52 AM EST

In Loving Memory Of Bonnie Parker, I'm writing this in regards to the letter written to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland located at http://sis359.blogspot.com/ I wrote the letter with hopes of someone passing it along to the Copelands. Comments the letter has brought is overwhelming. My heart goes out to all who has suffered any type of a loss regarding Prosperity Gospel. Several times over the past few years, I felt that there was not anything I could do, or say that would make any difference in the way people see Prosperity Gospel. I was battling, and still am, a multimillion dollar organization for answers, I had never felt so alone. Now after receiving hundreds of supportive emails, I feel I have a army beside us. Some have requested a more detailed accounting of the last few months mom was with us, the following is merely a forth of the story. Our thanks go out to you all. No words could describe just how I felt at that moment. I promised her she would not be left alone, yet here we was in the hospital emergency room lobby, and she was somewhere behind the locked double doors alone. Hour after hour passed , a nurse finally appeared motioning for us to follow her. Seeing the pain in her blue eyes assured me this was no dream, this was it, the moment she knew would come someday but hoped never would. The nurse carefully pulled moms gown back revealing a sight that would be with me the rest of my life. I could hear the doctor asking questions directed to me and my father such as "When did she have a Mastectomy", and "How long has she been this way?". My father replied" She hasn't had any surgery" this answer brought looks of disbelief from the doctor and nurses surrounding us. I realized then exactly they were thinking, they actually thought we denied her medical attention. Their expressions were convicting us without any reasonable doubt. Her left breast was completely eaten away, leaving only a large whole where it used to be. Reality had hit me all at once, our fears were confirmed she was not going to be with us much longer, and we were being blamed for the condition she was in. Mom would not let us bath her even toward the end, she had led us to believe it was due to the weight loss, she didn't want us seeing her frail body. Truth was she didn't want us to see her chest. We were escorted back out to the lobby so they could resume their evaluation. Result of each test came back just as we had expected, It was to late nothing medically could be done. The following day's brought more criticism from the hospital staff, finally I had endured all I could, it was time they knew the truth. I know it was hard to believe we knew nothing about the cancer that had consumed almost her entire body, but that was the truth. And they were going to hear me out no matter how long it would take. I felt most to blame, I was her daughter, I should have seen this coming. But my father, they was not going to direct this blame towards him any longer. Come shift change I walked down to the nurses station where one group were leaving and the other arriving. Asking for a moment of their time, proved easier than I thought. As they began to move closer, I began to take them back in time where I believed it all began. Starting with her right eye in which she had lost the ability to open. This was the first sign something was wrong. Mom insisting day after day it was merely a sinus infection and nothing more. The mention of a doctor was unacceptable, she made that clear. Her eye would remain this way a few day's then become normal again. Twice more her eye would fail her before closing permanently, refusing medical attention each time. As time passed she began loosing weight rapidly, eating very little, and staying in bed mostly all day. We were fighting a loosing battle and there was no end in sight. She was dieing and there was nothing we could do. Why was she doing this to herself and us? The time came she could no longer stay alone, someone had to be there at her side at all times. My dad worked most every day so mom was with me most all the time. Each day she became weaker. I bought a baby monitor and put by her bed and mine so I could hear her during the night. I dreaded the night for I didn't know what the morning would bring. I had to get up before my children because if she had passed on I wanted to be the one to find her not them. The fear of her dieing and us not having a clue of what from, or why, was the reality we faced each day. My concern had evolved into anger, she was refusing medical attention and putting us though a living hell, why? There was nothing legally we could do, but watch her die. Once we could legally step in and force her to get in the ambulance waiting outside my door, she was probably only hours away from death. Still refusing and begging not be taken they loaded her in and drove away. I believe she knew she wouldn't return, deep down we all knew. But there was always that single ray of hope, and no one was going to put that out. We had spent the last few months surrounded by uncertainty, fear, and anger, maybe now at least we would know physically what was wrong. But why she made that fatal decision to refuse any type of medical help was still a mystery. In my eyes she committed suicide, I was going to have to live with that horrible fact. Nothing made since, would it ever? There was not a dry eye in that nurses station that evening after I concluded my memories of the last few months, but in their eyes we were no longer guilty of neglect. Once all the test results were back and we were faced with the fact there was nothing the hospital could do we had at make a decision regarding where to take her to live out what little time she had left. I could not take her back home with me, my kids had been through enough. Southern Oaks nursing home was only five miles from my house, the following two moths this would become our home. The staff took us in as if we were family. We owe the last few months of mom's life to the staff of Southern Oaks, we will forever be grateful to them all. Mom from this point on had her good day's and bad. October 19, 2004 she was finally called home. All day her blood pressure had continued to fall, her breathing had became labored, and she was totally unresponsive. Around ten o'clock that night dad told me to go home for a while, I didn't want to but he and my husband insisted. She passed away a few minutes after I left. For the rest of the story simply type , Kenneth Copeland, Bonnie Parker in your search engine. Thank you, The Family of Bonnie Parker

by kbeach on Wed Dec 19, 2007 at 02:55:59 PM EST

In Loving Memory Of Bonnie Parker, I'm writing this in regards to the letter written to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland located at http://sis359.blogspot.com/ I wrote the letter with hopes of someone passing it along to the Copelands. Comments the letter has brought is overwhelming. My heart goes out to all who has suffered any type of a loss regarding Prosperity Gospel. Several times over the past few years, I felt that there was not anything I could do, or say that would make any difference in the way people see Prosperity Gospel. I was battling, and still am, a multimillion dollar organization for answers, I had never felt so alone. Now after receiving hundreds of supportive emails, I feel I have a army beside us. Some have requested a more detailed accounting of the last few months mom was with us, the following is merely a forth of the story. Our thanks go out to you all. No words could describe just how I felt at that moment. I promised her she would not be left alone, yet here we was in the hospital emergency room lobby, and she was somewhere behind the locked double doors alone. Hour after hour passed , a nurse finally appeared motioning for us to follow her. Seeing the pain in her blue eyes assured me this was no dream, this was it, the moment she knew would come someday but hoped never would. The nurse carefully pulled moms gown back revealing a sight that would be with me the rest of my life. I could hear the doctor asking questions directed to me and my father such as "When did she have a Mastectomy", and "How long has she been this way?". My father replied" She hasn't had any surgery" this answer brought looks of disbelief from the doctor and nurses surrounding us. I realized then exactly they were thinking, they actually thought we denied her medical attention. Their expressions were convicting us without any reasonable doubt. Her left breast was completely eaten away, leaving only a large whole where it used to be. Reality had hit me all at once, our fears were confirmed she was not going to be with us much longer, and we were being blamed for the condition she was in. Mom would not let us bath her even toward the end, she had led us to believe it was due to the weight loss, she didn't want us seeing her frail body. Truth was she didn't want us to see her chest. We were escorted back out to the lobby so they could resume their evaluation. Result of each test came back just as we had expected, It was to late nothing medically could be done. The following day's brought more criticism from the hospital staff, finally I had endured all I could, it was time they knew the truth. I know it was hard to believe we knew nothing about the cancer that had consumed almost her entire body, but that was the truth. And they were going to hear me out no matter how long it would take. I felt most to blame, I was her daughter, I should have seen this coming. But my father, they was not going to direct this blame towards him any longer. Come shift change I walked down to the nurses station where one group were leaving and the other arriving. Asking for a moment of their time, proved easier than I thought. As they began to move closer, I began to take them back in time where I believed it all began. Starting with her right eye in which she had lost the ability to open. This was the first sign something was wrong. Mom insisting day after day it was merely a sinus infection and nothing more. The mention of a doctor was unacceptable, she made that clear. Her eye would remain this way a few day's then become normal again. Twice more her eye would fail her before closing permanently, refusing medical attention each time. As time passed she began loosing weight rapidly, eating very little, and staying in bed mostly all day. We were fighting a loosing battle and there was no end in sight. She was dieing and there was nothing we could do. Why was she doing this to herself and us? The time came she could no longer stay alone, someone had to be there at her side at all times. My dad worked most every day so mom was with me most all the time. Each day she became weaker. I bought a baby monitor and put by her bed and mine so I could hear her during the night. I dreaded the night for I didn't know what the morning would bring. I had to get up before my children because if she had passed on I wanted to be the one to find her not them. The fear of her dieing and us not having a clue of what from, or why, was the reality we faced each day. My concern had evolved into anger, she was refusing medical attention and putting us though a living hell, why? There was nothing legally we could do, but watch her die. Once we could legally step in and force her to get in the ambulance waiting outside my door, she was probably only hours away from death. Still refusing and begging not be taken they loaded her in and drove away. I believe she knew she wouldn't return, deep down we all knew. But there was always that single ray of hope, and no one was going to put that out. We had spent the last few months surrounded by uncertainty, fear, and anger, maybe now at least we would know physically what was wrong. But why she made that fatal decision to refuse any type of medical help was still a mystery. In my eyes she committed suicide, I was going to have to live with that horrible fact. Nothing made since, would it ever? There was not a dry eye in that nurses station that evening after I concluded my memories of the last few months, but in their eyes we were no longer guilty of neglect. Once all the test results were back and we were faced with the fact there was nothing the hospital could do we had at make a decision regarding where to take her to live out what little time she had left. I could not take her back home with me, my kids had been through enough. Southern Oaks nursing home was only five miles from my house, the following two moths this would become our home. The staff took us in as if we were family. We owe the last few months of mom's life to the staff of Southern Oaks, we will forever be grateful to them all. Mom from this point on had her good day's and bad. October 19, 2004 she was finally called home. All day her blood pressure had continued to fall, her breathing had became labored, and she was totally unresponsive. Around ten o'clock that night dad told me to go home for a while, I didn't want to but he and my husband insisted. She passed away a few minutes after I left. For the rest of the story simply type , Kenneth Copeland, Bonnie Parker in your search engine. Thank you, The Family of Bonnie Parker

by kbeach on Wed Dec 19, 2007 at 03:04:57 PM EST

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By Frederick Clarkson (126 comments)
Controlling Information
     Yesterday I listened to Russ Limbaugh.  Rush advised listeners it would be best that they not listen to CNN,MSNBC, ABC, CBS and......
By wilkyjr (118 comments)
Is Bannon Fifth-Columning the Pope?
In December 2016 I wrote about how White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who likes to flash his Catholic credentials when it comes to......
By Frank Cocozzelli (252 comments)
Ross Douthat's Hackery on the Seemingly Incongruous Alliance of Bannon & Burke
Conservative Catholic writer Ross Douthat has dissembled again. This time, in a February 15, 2017 New York Times op-ed titled The Trump Era's Catholic......
By Frank Cocozzelli (65 comments)
`So-Called Patriots' Attack The Rule Of Law
Every so often, right-wing commentator Pat Buchanan lurches out of the far-right fever swamp where he has resided for the past 50 years to......
By Rob Boston (161 comments)
Bad Faith from Focus on the Family
Here is one from the archives, Feb 12, 2011, that serves as a reminder of how deeply disingenuous people can be. Appeals to seek......
By Frederick Clarkson (177 comments)
The Legacy of George Wallace
"One need not accept any of those views to agree that they had appealed to real concerns of real people, not to mindless, unreasoning......
By wilkyjr (70 comments)
Betsy DeVos's Mudsill View of Public Education
My Talk to Action colleague Rachel Tabachnick has been doing yeoman's work in explaining Betsy DeVos's long-term strategy for decimating universal public education. If......
By Frank Cocozzelli (80 comments)
Prince and DeVos Families at Intersection of Radical Free Market Privatizers and Religious Right
This post from 2011 surfaces important information about President-Elect Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. -- FC Erik Prince, Brother of Betsy......
By Rachel Tabachnick (218 comments)

Respect for Others? or Political Correctness?
The term "political correctness" as used by Conservatives and Republicans has often puzzled me: what exactly do they mean by it? After reading Chip Berlin's piece here-- http://www.talk2action.org/story/2016/7/21/04356/9417 I thought about what he explained......
MTOLincoln (253 comments)
What I'm feeling now is fear.  I swear that it seems my nightmares are coming true with this new "president".  I'm also frustrated because so many people are not connecting all the dots! I've......
ArchaeoBob (109 comments)
"America - love it or LEAVE!"
I've been hearing that and similar sentiments fairly frequently in the last few days - far FAR more often than ever before.  Hearing about "consequences for burning the flag (actions) from Trump is chilling!......
ArchaeoBob (218 comments)
"Faked!" Meme
Keep your eyes and ears open for a possible move to try to discredit the people openly opposing Trump and the bigots, especially people who have experienced terrorism from the "Right"  (Christian Terrorism is......
ArchaeoBob (167 comments)
More aggressive proselytizing
My wife told me today of an experience she had this last week, where she was proselytized by a McDonald's employee while in the store. ......
ArchaeoBob (168 comments)
See if you recognize names on this list
This comes from the local newspaper, which was conservative before and took a hard right turn after it was sold. Hint: Sarah Palin's name is on it!  (It's also connected to Trump.) ......
ArchaeoBob (169 comments)
Unions: A Labor Day Discussion
This is a revision of an article which I posted on my personal board and also on Dailykos. I had an interesting discussion on a discussion board concerning Unions. I tried to piece it......
Xulon (180 comments)
Extremely obnoxious protesters at WitchsFest NYC: connected to NAR?
In July of this year, some extremely loud, obnoxious Christian-identified protesters showed up at WitchsFest, an annual Pagan street fair here in NYC.  Here's an account of the protest by Pagan writer Heather Greene......
Diane Vera (130 comments)
Capitalism and the Attack on the Imago Dei
I joined this site today, having been linked here by Crooksandliars' Blog Roundup. I thought I'd put up something I put up previously on my Wordpress blog and also at the DailyKos. As will......
Xulon (331 comments)
History of attitudes towards poverty and the churches.
Jesus is said to have stated that "The Poor will always be with you" and some Christians have used that to refuse to try to help the poor, because "they will always be with......
ArchaeoBob (149 comments)
Alternate economy medical treatment
Dogemperor wrote several times about the alternate economy structure that dominionists have built.  Well, it's actually made the news.  Pretty good article, although it doesn't get into how bad people could be (have been)......
ArchaeoBob (90 comments)
Evidence violence is more common than believed
Think I've been making things up about experiencing Christian Terrorism or exaggerating, or that it was an isolated incident?  I suggest you read this article (linked below in body), which is about our great......
ArchaeoBob (214 comments)

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