Jimmy Carter Calls Baptists Together
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Tue Apr 11, 2006 at 06:23:42 PM EST
Former President Jimmy Carter recently called a meeting of key Baptist leaders together to organize a convocation that could explore unifying the Baptist witness in North America. Conspicuously absent was any representation from the Southern Baptist Convention.

A convocation is being planned for 2007. Authentic Baptists are rising to reclaim their identity as a community of faith from the fundamentalists that have taken over the Southern Baptist Convention.

Southern Baptists have become "Christian nationalists" and theocrats who are increasingly viewed an appendage of the GOP. They have defamed the name of Baptists and have destroyed the credibility of the Baptist witness by becoming the chief apologists for pre-emptive warfare and imperial evangelism.

Authentic Baptists will emphasize our "obligations as Christians to promote peace with justice, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, care for the sick and marginalized, welcome the strangers among us, and promote religious liberty and respect for religious diversity."

Most of the key leaders of moderate, mainstream Baptist institutions were present.

The 2007 convocation may launch a denomination or "fellowship" (we live in a post-denominational era) that rivals the SBC in size and influence.

The days when the Southern Baptist Convention can lay claim to representing most Baptists in America are numbered.

by Mainstream Baptist on Tue Apr 11, 2006 at 06:29:06 PM EST

Thanks Mainstream Baptist. This is indeed a big story and a very encouraging development. It is good to see non-SBC Baptists organizing in this way. Could Baptists be on the verge of reclaiming their faith?

by Carlos on Tue Apr 11, 2006 at 06:42:22 PM EST
The Mainstream Baptist Network has been trying to encourage this for a number of years.

Here's a link to a speech that Dr. Herb Reynolds, Chancellor of Baylor University, gave to Mainstream Baptists in Oklahoma in the fall of 1999.

At that time the consensus among most Baptist leaders was that Reynolds's idea was premature.

Today, the consensus is that "It's time."

by Mainstream Baptist on Tue Apr 11, 2006 at 08:30:46 PM EST

I consider Jimmy Carter one of the quiet leaders of the last several decades.

He seems quite humble, and that is part of his strength.

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Apr 11, 2006 at 08:13:07 PM EST