The Right Hand of Left ? : Michael Lerner's "First Amendment Fundamentalists"
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Mar 06, 2006 at 06:01:09 PM EST
Rabbi Michael Lerner's The Left Hand of God [ link : excerpt of the book on Alternet ] has become a bestseller, and Lerner appeared last Sunday, March 5th 2006, on Interfaith Alliance head Reverend Dr. C. Welton Gaddy's "State of Belief" Air America radio show for a short interview. Reverend Gaddy asked Lerner :

"Speaking of faith, what is the proper role of faith in public life ?"

Lerner's response :

"....I believe there are spiritual values that need to be brought into the public sphere, kindness, generosity, ecological sensitivity, ethical sensitivity, awe and wonder and radical amazement at the grandeur of creation.....

Read on : Michael Lerner has some notable viewpoints, it would seem - on the First Amendment. [ you can listen to an Mp3 of the interview here. The Interview with Lerner occurs a little more than halfway into the show ]

[ Lerner quote continued ] These are not values, however, which connect to a particular  religion. They don't violate the First Amendment.  There are First Amendment fund