Public Schools Outperform Private Ones, Conservative Christian Schools Rank Last Among Privates
[NCSPE study summary] Findings reveal that demographic differences between students in public and private schools account for the relatively high raw scores of private schools on the NAEP. Indeed, after controlling for these differences, public school students generally score better than their private school peers.....Conservative Christian schools, the fastest growing private school sector, are the lowest performing private schools. The ongoing assault on America's public schools comes from many quarters including possibly ABC's 20/20 and John Stossel [ story thanks to the ever watchful eye of Media Matters for America Media Matter For America shines a spotlight on a January 13, 2006 "20/20" which seemed to view education through privatization-colored corrective lenses: "Stossel presented skewed 20/20 segment on "stupid" public schools: Summary: ABC's John Stossel presented a "special report" on the failure of American public schools that included a series of misleading claims, a lack of balance in reporting and interviews, and video clips apparently created primarily for entertainment to argue for expanding "school choice" initiatives such as vouchers and charter schools." Meanwhile, writes Talk To Action's Dr. Bruce Prescott, many on the Christian right - including powerful factions in the Southern Baptist Convention - are agitating for the wholesale pullout of children from public schools. But,The centerpiece of the strategy to destroy America's public schools may in fact be the No Child Left Behind Act. A recent analysis predicts that 3/4 of Massachusetts schools will fail to meet the provisions of the "No Child Left Behind" act when it goes into full force in 2014 - despite the fact the Mass. schools rank among the highest in the nation. Further, 1/4 of U.S. schools currently fail to meet the provisions of the No Child Left Behind act: Paul Basken, for Bloomberg News and run by the Washington Post reports:
More than a quarter of U.S. schools are failing under terms of President Bush's No Child Left Behind law, according to preliminary state-by-state statistics reported to the U.S. Department of Education. Now, the January 2006 DOE funded NCSPE University of Illinois cited previously suggests that public schools are performing - in fact - comparatively rather well, and Kevin Drum, for Washigton Monthly, ventures there an explanation for the dysfunctional nature of the NCLB act, its perverse outcomes: "the Bush administration wants to see lots of public schools labeled as failures. It's basically a long-term plan to erode the public's faith in public schools and thereby increase support for private schools and vouchers." Indeed, this suggests a dual strategy by the Christian right to defund and delegitimate America's public schools while James Dobson, Al Mohler, Laura Schlessinger and others advocate that parents to pull their children from the public school system. Dr. Bruce Prescott, on Talk To Action, discusses the prospect of the wholesale pullout of Southern Baptists People For The American Way - as of 2003 - has detailed the Christian right's "removal strategies" :
By dramatically downsizing the constituency of public schools, a mass exodus campaign would reduce public schools' ability to mobilize support for funding and reforms. Over time, this could lead to a de facto privatized system. If parents of the Southern Baptist Convention and others of the Christian right pull their children out of America's public schools, what sort of education will they receive ? According to Dr. David C. Berliner, it will be - at least - a substandard one: "Educational Psychology Meets the Christian Right: Differing Views of Children, Schooling, Teaching, and Learning" [ 1996 ], Berliner finds the educational theories espoused by the Christian right "cannot be supported by modern psychology" and that "The school curriculum used in many fundamentalist Christian schools was also analyzed and found to be limited, biased, and sometimes untrue." :
[ study summary ] Among the most unrelenting contemporary critics of public schools are members of the Christian Right, some of whom seek the destruction of public education. The theories of child rearing espoused by the Christian Right are analyzed in this article. They emphasize physical punishment, the breaking of children's will, and obedience to authority. Such theories cannot be supported by modern psychology. Furthermore, these child-rearing practices are totally incompatible with the constructivist models of learning that form the basis for the educational reforms undertaken by science, mathematics, and social studies educators. The school curriculum used in many fundamentalist Christian schools was also analyzed and found to be limited, biased, and sometimes untrue. The arguments made against outcomes based education and whole language programs were found to be confused and chaotic. The antagonism of the Christian Right to these programs is based on a fear of losing control over their children's thinking, rather than any compelling empirical data. It is concluded that many among the Christian Right are unable to engage in politics that make a common school possible. They may be unable to compromise and live with educational decisions rejecting a pluralistic democracy keeping separate church and state.
Public Schools Outperform Private Ones, Conservative Christian Schools Rank Last Among Privates | 15 comments (15 topical, 0 hidden)
Public Schools Outperform Private Ones, Conservative Christian Schools Rank Last Among Privates | 15 comments (15 topical, 0 hidden)