Christian Right Conferences
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Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 12:14:16 AM EST
It seems that Christian Right leaders are fond of conferences. This past weekend there was the Reclaiming America for Christ Conference. Next week there will be the War on Christians and the Values Voter in 2006 Conference. In May we have the Creation to Revelation. . . Connecting the Dots Worldview Super Conference. In July there will be the History of the World Mega-Conference.
Provocative, confrontational, ambitious and a touch grandiose. The titles of these conferences capture well the "confident" mood of the reconstructionist, or Christian nationalist Christian Right. But are conferences like these growing in attendance and influence? Or, are they just on the cultural fringe and not worthy of our attention and concern?

There is also the Washington Briefing conference coming up in September, but the title there is not as dramatic.

by Carlos on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 12:36:31 AM EST

What we need to start doing is getting folks to go to these conferences and listening to what they are saying. None of them happen where I live, and my budget is too small to attend. Still, we need to get people to attend these events, because they often say things there that they won't say in print or online.

by Lorie Johnson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 09:22:43 AM EST
That ads on TTA and Dark Christianity for $  to send one or two TTA members to one or more of these might make such a venture possible.

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 10:08:37 AM EST
Live Journal does not permit ads, which is actually fine by me. TTA could get BlogAds, though. The software permits their insertion. (see The Daily Kos for an example)

It would be nice to create a 'travel fund' for our writers who are not east (or west)-coast based. But the ones who live out there should have dibs, as they are pros, and can 'fit in' better.

by Lorie Johnson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 10:27:54 AM EST

All of this Super!~ Mega!~ language - It's reminiscent of the language of monster truck or WWF conventions.

I'd like to propose that these events be retitled - they can all be appended with the phrase:


Or, imagine the masthead descriptions as narrated in the stentorian braggadochio characteristic of a cheap AM talk radio ad for a monster truck ralliy :

"Musclebound titans of Christian Reconstructionism and champions of the Biblical Worldview CRUSHING [ this word wouls echo for a bit - "crushing....ushing....ushing ] and SQUASHINGM [ echo, again : squashing....uashing....uashing.... ]  the godless secularists and liberal followers of false faith, HOUNDING the DEMONS from their SOULS and bringing them to CHRIST !"

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 09:41:07 AM EST


OK, on a more serious note : Here is the intro from the "Worldview Super Conference" website.

History has never been dominated by majorities, but only by dedicated minorities who stand unconditionally on their faith. --R.J. Rushdoony

Our most ambitious conference to date, the History of the World Mega-Conference stands for the proposition that God is Sovereign over all of the affairs of nations and men, and that we must judge all of time in light of God's plan for the remnant.

The goal of this event is to give Christian students from diverse backgrounds a panoramic perspective on the Providence of God throughout history. Whether you are a history buff, home-school parent, college student, young or old, we encourage you to consider attending this five-day crash course on world history.

Join a faculty of more than a dozen distinguished scholars and thinkers delivering more than fifty stirring lectures as they trace the rise and fall of civilizations through more than six thousand years of world history -- from the ancient Assyrian and Babylonian empires to the epic history of China, the rise and fall of Greece and Rome, the development of Christendom, to the Reformation, and the American experiment in liberty and the modern world -- all from a distinctively Christian worldview. [ empahasis mine ]

From the sound of that, the last sentence would more accurately read :

"all from a distinctively Christian Reconstructionist worldview"

So, let's move on to the "History of The World Mega-Conference" . I dowloaded the PDF brochure the mega conference to learn more, and - my, my - I most certainly did.

First, here is the introduction, from the "Mega Conference" website:
 the brochure, downloadable as a PDF file.

Here's the conference intro from that document :

Get ready for the most comprehensive training conference ever ! The Worldview Super Conference will give you the ultimate worldview education from 12 of the world's most brilliant speakers [ ok, I can't resist - imagine that phrase as spoken aloud with an echo added to "brilliant" . Thus "Brilliant....illiant....illiant" ] Attendees will take a journey from Genesis through Revelation and discover what the Bible says about where we came from, what our purpose is, and how to get there. Our specialist faculty will teach you how to defend the Christian faith, think Biblically about every issue, and prepare you to be effective ambassadors for Christ in the new millenium. A major debate will be featured nightly-from Creation & Evolution to Bible Prophecy. Make this Memorial Day weekend the most memorable and important ever for your family. Join us for a historic conference which seeks to equip the Christian, strengthen the family, and rebuild the nation!.......[ Plus monster Chevy trucks CRUSHING and SQUASHING and PULVERIZING enemies of the Godly Christian worldview !...... note : that last bit, from "Plus monster trucks....." on isn't in the original quote but it just sounds so fitting there I thought I'd tack it on  ]

So, here is the roster of speakers. From the sound of things this will be, at least in part, a conference on Reconstructionist legal strategy:

Doug Phillips, Herb Titus, Jeff Ventrella [ all lawyers ], Gary Demar, Joe Belz, Dr. Carl Wieland, Gary North, Dr. Charles Thaxton, William, J. Federer, Brian Godawa, Bill Jack, and E Ray Moore Jr.

Brian Godawa is a scriptwriter who was responsible for the film script to "To End All Wars" ( starring the illustrious Kiefer Sutherland ) and is currently "writing and directing a documentary for PBS on the separation of church and state."

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 10:06:55 AM EST

Thanks Bruce for expanding the post. Found some more information on Brian Godawa from another conference site:

Brian Godawa is the award winning screenwriter of the film adaptation of author Frank Peretti's best-selling novel The Visitation (2005). Previously, Mr. Godawa was the screenwriter for the award-winning feature film, To End All Wars, starring Kiefer Sutherland and Robert Carlyle.  

He is currently working on two film projects; A Summer for the Gods, a feature film about the Scopes Monkey Trial, with Dean River Productions, and Wall of Separation, a documentary about church-state relations for Gummshoe Productions.

He is a member of the Studio Task Force at Biola University, and an adjunct professor of screenwriting at University of the Nations School of Digital Filmmaking, Hawaii.

by Carlos on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 12:18:28 PM EST

There is also a "mega" conference for youth in San Francisco this weekend:

The mega-event is set to bring a massive army of teens and adults together to take back this generation for Christ.

by Carlos on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 02:09:15 PM EST

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Mar 24, 2006 at 05:07:05 PM EST

The big conferences are always an eyeopener. Fred and I have attended several National Religious Broadcaster conferences and the first Reclaiming America conference together.

But, if one keeps an eye out there are many local conferences to attend that generally don't require travel and no or low cost.

Watch your local PCA church and any megachurch, The PCA will often have some sort of annual dominionist conference and the megachurches will have some sort of conference where you can pick up some interesting literature and information about local politics.

Sometimes if there is a cost you can go to a local publication and talk to them about writing an article on the conference and get press credentials so you can get in at no cost.

Usually the sponsors of the conference will be cooperative even if they know you are from some "liberal" publication.

These days I have trouble getting into local conferences because I am so well known in Northern California they recognize me when I walk through the door but I go anyway.

by JerrySloan on Sat Mar 25, 2006 at 01:19:42 AM EST

Not only megachurches and PCA, but also quite a number of Southern Baptist Convention churches and Assemblies of God churches also have info on conferences in the area of interest to dominionists.  (For that matter, neopentecostal churches in general may be a good source for knowing where conferences are.  With them and the Assemblies you just have to be careful for them not to recruit you explicitly.)

by dogemperor on Mon Mar 27, 2006 at 09:27:20 PM EST

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