Public Schools and the Culture War
Public Schools are the frontlines in the culture war that conservative Christians are waging in this country. They have been since the day that they were integrated.
Ethics Daily has published a couple insightful articles regarding the latest developments in the battle to destroy America's public school system. Bob Allen has written an essay about a new "Christian book" that "says Public Schools Subvert Parental Rights." He goes on to describe recent challenges to public schools coming from every quarter of the political and religious right. Ed Hogan has written about his "Concerns about the 'Exodus' Movement." The "Exodus" movement is an organized effort to get Christians to remove their children from public schools. |
Here's a quote from Hogan's article that talks about the politics of the issue:
Reason # 3 Politics. Steve Blow wrote a great article in the Dallas Morning News recently. He is a Christian op-ed writer who often brings a fresh perspective to issues.
In the article he quotes a home school text. In the text, a conservative is described as a person who holds on to and practices God's words and teachings. Liberals are defined as those who deny God's precepts and teachings.
That is a struggle for me for several reasons. Does that mean that my friends who vote for Democrats have "abandoned God?" Does is mean that my African-American church friends, who are biblically and ethically conservative, have denied their faith by overwhelmingly voting for "liberal" candidates?
Once a student sees something in a "text book" it carries new weight. It is no longer opinion; it is fact. It teaches our children to be intolerant of others who disagree with us politically.
One of the ramifications of extending freedom of religion to everyone is that we protect the right of parents to teach their children to be intolerant. We do not guarantee that we will give them tax dollars in the form of vouchers to subsidize the education of their children in their intolerance.
The right to a good public education that upholds the values of our country's constitution should be guaranteed to everyone. The constitution secures equal respect under the law for persons of all races, religions, and creeds.
If parents want to indoctrinate their children in values that are opposed to the constitution, they should continue to have to pay for it with their own money.
This entry is cross-posted from the Mainstream Baptist weblog.
Public Schools and the Culture War | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)
Public Schools and the Culture War | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)