Act of Mercy
On his first working day in the Oval Office, President Bush resurrected Ronald Reagan's "global gag rule" - the notorious policy that forbids any group or organization that receives overseas aid from the United States "to perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning" -- and thereby condemned tens of thousands of women and girls across the developing world to mutilation and death. Over two years ago, Nadene Ghouri of the BBC told of the price already being paid in blood by the women of Ethiopia in order to perpetuate Mr. Bush's Culture of Life.
In Ethiopia, at least 55 percent of all maternal deaths are a result of unsafe, illegal abortions, the second biggest killer of women of child-bearing age after AIDS. In Uganda, a country with a rate of 880 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, more than one in five maternal deaths are due to abortion-related complications. And I have already written of the horrific situation in Kenya, a country gripped by a veritable epidemic of illegal abortion.
The women here lead desperate lives, says Dr. Joseph Ruminjo, an obstetrician who worked in the gynecology ward in a Nairobi hospital. He remembers one woman in her early 20s who aborted four fetuses over a couple of years by sticking a sharp object into her womb. But according to Wendy Wright, the brand-new new president of Beverly LaHaye's Concerned Women for America, that's more than OK.
Joseph d'Agostino of the Population Research Institute -- a Virginia-based "educational" group with a thinly-disguised religious agenda - states the objective in clear terms: "We don't expect to see the United Nations change, or Western Europe change. But with the Bush administration, pro-lifers feel there's a real opportunity to stop the U.S. government from promoting abortion and sex education and population control in the Third World." As Wendy Wright explains, "It's not that I know what is right for other women," she says. "It's that I know what is right." Another one of the things CWA "knows" is right is that a fetus is a person just like you and me, and "an unborn child should be legally protected from the point of conception." This "unborn child" might not be worth even one woman's life, because its own mother is a rat. But the fact that this "unborn child" has human DNA is worth the lives of 70,000 women a year. Sure Wendy, that ought to sound "right" to just about anybody. As Martin Luther famously remarked, "If they become tired or even die, that does not matter. Let them die in childbirth - that is why they are there." While the indescribable suffering of women in developing countries has left our president and his religious "right" supporters unmoved, God be thanked that not all governments are so impervious to human pain. Britain defies US with funding to boost safe abortion services
The British government will today publicly defy the United States by giving money for safe abortion services in developing countries to organisations that have been cut off from American funding. With initial funding of £3m, the fund hopes for contributions from other countries with less medieval notions of the worth of women's lives. This act of mercy by the British government will be overseen by its Department for International Development. Britain's DFID asked the International Planned Parenthood Federation to compile a report on the scale of the damage done by unsafe abortion not only to women themselves, but on an economic and societal level as well. IPPF's report, entitled Death and Denial: Unsafe Abortion and Poverty, tells us that once again this year, an estimated 19 million women and girls will undergo unsafe abortions, and that yet another 70,000 can be expected to die unless urgently needed health care services become available to them. We can only thank God that the British are coming. And millions of at-risk women in the developing world can only hope that they arrive in time.
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Act of Mercy | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)