Fundamentalist manipulation and mindbending- my story
The earliest encounters I had with fundamentalists (especially the Assemblies of God) was their regular attempts to proselytize me, with pamphlets and scare tactics- starting before junior high. I got the "going to hell" stuff even as a little kid. I was both fascinated and repelled by their tracts and statements. I also felt fear of God and punishment then (now that I've thought about it). There may have also been some attempts when I was VERY young- I vaguely remember being afraid of a church. We lived in Utah at the time, and I do know that the Mormons were messing with my mind severely. I've been told that they took me into their homes and were telling me how bad my parents were and so on. I also think I started getting doses of hellfire and brimstone then. (the Mormons still come across as fundamentalists to me!) One memory I do have is being injured while riding on the handlebars of a Mormon kid's bike (quite a distance from my home), being thrown on the side of the road with the comment "you're nothing but a gentile brat anyway", and crawling with a mangled leg for a long distance, until a nice lady on a horse spotted me and gave me a ride to my house. I couldn't walk for quite a long time. My parents said it was over a month, and that I'd crawled almost a mile. My leg had gotten tangled in the spokes of the bike while it was going rather fast. I was going somewhere with a group of Mormon youths- from about my age to some of them being in their teens or older.
Let's switch to the way the fundamentalists like to tamper with people's hearts and sexuality. What do you bet that a fundamentalist reading this will think or say that I am "in rebellion against God" because I married my wife Susan 23 years ago- almost a year after I walked. Next, let's discuss health issues as I experienced with fundamentalists. I can argue very strongly that fundamentalists are driven by stereotypes and not by reality. I've suffered with chronic (cramping) diarrhea most of my life, as well as chronic tiredness and weakness (including muscle pains). Some days the pain from the cramps is such that I cannot function for a good amount of time. I also constantly (but slowly) gained weight, and if I tried to diet, I would get physically ill with a severe headache and vertigo and loss of muscle control. When I was actually a member of an Assemblies church, I was told that I must be eating wrong and that I was being lazy and that I needed to fast. They even told me I had good health and should be thankful... after all, I had all of my limbs and could see. Finally, many years later I was diagnosed with severe to profound Fibromyalgia syndrome and spastic colon. I'd been suffering with that through the whole time (They also told me to stop "whining", that everyone has aches and pains and that if I was having stomach problems, I must have been committing gluttony or some other sin). I've talked with people (in recent years) with other physical problems- the regular complaint I hear is that although they can function and want to do a lot of things, the fundamentalists would try to dissuade them because they were disabled. In these cases, the disability was visible. If the disability was invisible, it didn't exist and they were expected to function as well as anyone else. I will admit, however, that there was a difference between women and men in this- a man was expected to work harder and not mention such things as pain or tiredness. The root cause of my health was exposure to fallout while living in Utah... but that is another story. (A story of continuing injustice!) Now to control...
The problems I was dealing with while I was in the Assemblies were severe. I'd been the subject of mind games for years, and I was a very lonely person who had been taught that I was a loner (but I am NOT). I had problems fitting in and finding acceptance- people were always trying to get me to be like THEY wanted me to be, and never accepting the person that I WAS. I was, and am, a very sensitive person, who cares about others, sees and appreciates beauty (I LOVE kittens and flowers), and has a romantic streak a mile long. I am also someone who has been severely hurt because of this- the stereotype of a "MAN" was someone that was tough, insensitive, and macho. I have never been these things. Yet, I can (and did) survive things that other people have only heard about, including being shot at, nearly (deliberately) poisoned, and many other horrific experiences. I have always considered manhood as being a function of self-control and inward strength. Indeed, my idea of a real man is of a protector (and nurturer). After I'd been a member of the Assemblies for about a year, they actually ordered me out of the church. The problems I had were not solved by their "slap on the head" and I didn't understand "let go and let God". I was walking out when a woman said I had a "know it all spirit". They called me back and prayed for me. I should have kept going. You see, they thought they knew my problems and needs more than I did. Their solution- I had to "get more right with God" and I had to submit to their ideas for my life. These ideas included singleness, self mortification (Have to put God first, you know- die to self and be alive to God), and being very active in the church. Basically, it got to be where if the church doors were open, I had to be there. If a person was hurting for any reason, they made them feel worse and guilty for feeling worse. They played all sorts of mind games on young people- whatever a person wanted, they opposed. Whatever a person DIDN'T want, they demanded. This is what happened to me, and I observed it being done to others. As I grew older and observed other things, I discovered that in most cases, this is a deliberate move. The AG churches I attended actually suggested that people to do stupid things like self-castration if they were sexually attracted to someone, getting rid of their surplus cash if they wanted to take a vacation instead of going to church (give it to the church), and so on. I finally learned what the parable about "if an eye causes you to sin..." meant a few days ago. It meant to try to stop a problem while it was still small, before it became big- NOT hurting yourself or doing something drastic to prevent doing something wrong! Now for more modern experiences- in the last ten to fifteen years.
Several years ago I learned a family secret- I'd been led to believe (actually told) that my heritage was German and English, and that my ancestors were fairly recent immigrants. That turned out to be a LIE. Even more recently, I've had run-ins with people at school (I returned to school and I'm now working on a MA in Applied Anthropology). I believe that ALL people should be treated equally, and with kindness and acceptance. I also have studied, and recognize the truth of evolution. I've been attacked at school and online by fundamentalists who call me names, tell me that I'm going to hell... well, I think a lot of people know the score. They have no problems with expressing hatred and rejection towards us in the name of Christ, but cannot accept that we believe in Christ. That is no different than what I heard all of the time I was in the Assemblies! Some of the, as a friend calls them, "Jackleg preachers" who come to our campus call us devil worshippers, condemn us to hell, and even once said that if you ever talked to your pets, you were going to hell!!! They try to disrupt things on campus, and I believe are deliberately trying to get the kids to leave school and accept their brainwashing. Others say that they're trying to get the school to throw them off campus so they can file a lawsuit for violation of freedom of speech. The sad thing is that they are driving people AWAY from God, not drawing them closer! I have horrible problems with self-hatred and self-abuse (I've gotten better since I learned about my heritage and returned to school). I've been realizing more and more where it comes from. The Assemblies (and fundamentalists in general) teach people to hurt and hate themselves for wanting to be happy! I pray that God makes it possible for us to be happy, and grants Justice in our favor!!!
Fundamentalist manipulation and mindbending- my story | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)
Fundamentalist manipulation and mindbending- my story | 6 comments (6 topical, 0 hidden)