Pat Robertson: Marginalized Moonbat, or Media Mogul To Be Taken Seriously?
For example, Sojourners, an evangelical spiritual community that seeks progressive social change on some issues (such as concern for the poor and stewardship of the environment) but not others (such as reproductive freedom) has sought to marginalize Robertson. In its latest weekly e-mail bulletin and on its web site, Sojourners highlighted a CBS News report by Brian Montopoli, "Robertson: Out of the Club? dated January 6, 2006, which suggests wrongly that Robertson does not speak for many evangelicals - even many conservative evangelicals. Montopoli writes: Guest blogging on the Web site of the liberal Washington Monthly, Amy Sullivan wrote, "I try not to comment on all of the ridiculous things that come out of Pat Robertson's mouth because 1) he's a moonbat who seems to be reading a very different translation of the Bible than I am, and 2) most evangelicals, even conservative ones, don't think of him as a spokesperson who represents their views." The attempt to minimize Robertson's importance and dismiss him as a "moonbat" with a small audience is not only misguided, but it's based on a mistaken premise. Name one other conservative evangelical leader who has a daily TV and satellite radio broadcast with an audience the size of the 700 Club, and who has founded an international array of businesses and nonprofits, founded a university, founded a law school, and founded a national law firm dedicated to overcoming the separation of church and state. Jim Wallis hasn't done any of that. The fact is that Robertson's audience is bigger than that of Bob Schieffer at CBS News, and much larger than that of Jim Wallis.
It's time to take Robertson seriously, to realize that he means exactly what he says, that he dissembles when he's caught, but that he not only marches ahead with his message, but he's a billionaire who has built a vast and loyal following of people who take him seriously.
Pat Robertson: Marginalized Moonbat, or Media Mogul To Be Taken Seriously? | 8 comments (8 topical, 0 hidden)
Pat Robertson: Marginalized Moonbat, or Media Mogul To Be Taken Seriously? | 8 comments (8 topical, 0 hidden)