Taking Over The Republican Party, Part III - Angels on A Pinhead
Joan Bokaer printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Dec 07, 2005 at 03:49:51 PM EST
 ... parliamentary manipulations [would] begin, and after two or three hours of discussion about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, the more reasonable people with other things to do leave, and in the wee hours of the morning, things are decided. That's how they achieve their objectives. more
[ Editor: This is the 3rd part of "Taking Over The Republican Party"  Part I  Part II ]
This is the third installment on how the Christian Coalition took working control of the Republican Party between the years 1991 to 1994. The first two installments are:

Part I - The Woman in A Mink Coat

Part II - While We Were Sleeping

Part III - Angels on A Pinhead

"We think the Lord is going to give us this nation back one precinct at a time, one neighborhood at a time, and one state at a time." Ralph Reed Christianity Today, April 3, 1990

Five years later:

By mobilizing eager volunteers down to the precinct (and local church) level and handing out 33 million voter guides -- often in church pews -- prior to last November's election, the Coalition is credited with providing the winning margin for perhaps half the Republicans' 52-seat gain in the House of Representatives and a sizable portion of their nine-seat pickup in the Senate."  (Time May 15, 1995)

How did the Christian Coalition provide "the winning margin" described in Timemagazine?"   We are going to look at a multli-pronged approach that included:
*    taking over the leadership at the precinct level by focusing on obscure party posts, obstructing meetings, and aggressively intimidating local leaders
*    using stealth;
*    working through sympathetic churches;
*    relying on voter apathy.

This entry will deal with #1 - Tactics for taking over the leadership at the precinct level. Future entries will discuss the other strategies.

Talking about the 1992 elections, Marc Wolin, a moderate Republican who lost the election in San Francisco, told journalist Greg Goldin:

What the Christian right spends a lot of time doing is going after obscure party posts. They try to control the party apparatus in each county. We have a lot to fear from these people. They want to set up a theocracy in America.

In 1993 Craig Berkman, former chairman of the Republican Party in Oregon, explained to Goldin:
They have acquired a very detailed and accurate understanding of how political parties are organized. Parties are very susceptible to being taken over by ideologues because lower party offices have no appeal to the vast majority of our citizenry. Many precincts are represented by no one. If you decide all of a sudden because it's your Christian duty to become a precinct representative, you only need a few votes to get elected.
Increasingly, they have the key say-so on who will be a delegate at the national convention, and who will write the party platform and nominate the presidential candidate. In a state like Oregon, with 600,000 registered Republicans, it is possible for 2000 or 3000 people to control the state party apparatus. more

What happened when members of the Christian Coalition were losing the vote? Again from Berckman:
 ... parliamentary manipulations [would] begin, and after two or three hours of discussion about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, the more reasonable people with other things to do leave, and in the wee hours of the morning, things are decided. That's how they achieve their objectives. more

Once the Christian Right had taken control of the Congressional leadership,  the "wee hours of the morning" tactic was to become a favorite tactic.
From Congressman Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio (12/11/03):

 House Republicans bend rules, press for votes during wee hours to escape the light of accountability. Never before has the House of Representatives operated in such secrecy:
At 2:54 a.m. on a Friday in March, the House cut veterans benefits by three votes.
At 2:39 a.m. on a Friday in April, the House slashed education and health care by five votes.
At 1:56 a.m. on a Friday in May, the House passed the Leave No Millionaire Behind tax-cut bill by a handful of votes.
At 2:33 a.m. on a Friday in June, the House passed the Medicare privatization and prescription drug bill by one vote.
At 12:57 a.m. on a Friday in July, the House eviscerated Head Start by one vote.
And then, after returning from summer recess, at 12:12 a.m. on a Friday in October, the House voted $87 billion for Iraq. Always in the middle of the night. Always after the press had passed their deadlines. Always after the American people had turned off the news and gone to bed.
The most sweeping changes to medicare in its 38 year history were forced through the House at 5:55 on a Saturday morning.
When the "angels on a pinhead" tactic didn't work, shouting took over. Writing about Harris County, TX, Fred Clarkson reports:
  Recently, the Christian Right shouted down and ousted the elected party chair Betsy Lake, and installed a theocratic activist, Steven Hotze. more
If you want to learn more about Dr. Steven Hotze, see Bruce Prescott's entry On Restoring America  about a video he received from Dr. Hotze in 1990.
 The video was a guide on how to 1) take over a Republican Party precinct meeting, 2) elect "Christian" delegates to the GOP District meeting, and 3) put planks supporting the theocratic agenda of Christian Reconstructionism into the party platform.
From Joan Lowey of Scripps-Howard News Service, reporting on the 1992 elections:
 More than a dozen county meetings to elect party officers in Washington State erupted into shouting matches in recent weeks as mainstream Republicans and religious activists battled for control. Last summer, the GOP state convention under the control of religious activists passed a party platform denouncing witchcraft and yoga, among other subjects.
Lowey goes on to report:

  Working at the grassroots, fundamentalist activists have either gained control or made sizable inroads into state party organization in Alaska, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Oregon, Washington and Virginia.
A loosely affiliated network of Religious Right organizations led by televangelist Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition has also mobilized millions of evangelical voters across the country. While they failed to re-elect President Bush, those voters helped to elect hundreds of religious activists and Republicans sympathetic to their conservative social agenda to school boards, city councils, state legislatures and Congress.
Now Christian Right activists are laying plans to expand their influence within the party and to target off-year election contests, particularly gubernatorial and state legislative races in New Jersey and Virginia this year. more
Lowey reports that in "Minnesota [Evangelicals] had been pressuring the Republicans attending precinct caucuses to state if and when they had been born again."

These news reports from 1993 create a mosaic. When read together a picture emerges of a very aggressive, well organized, and determined movement taking working control of the Republican Party from the bottom up, going precinct by precinct across various states, tying up meetings for hours with irrelevant questions until moderates left, and, when that didn't work, shouting the leaders out of office.

Yet to come - more on strategies: how the Christian Coalition ran stealth campaigns, capitalized on voter apathy, and worked through sympathetic churches to achieve their goals.

These articles can all be found at TheocracyWatch


[ed: Joan Bokaer's four part series is:
The Woman in A Mink Coat,
While We Were Sleeping,
Angels on A Pinhead
Under Cover Of Night

Most people think that GOP takeovers by Dominionists were isolated to a few localities.

You make it appear that takeovers were so widespread and implemented with such simultaneity as to suggest some higher level of organization and coordination.

by Mainstream Baptist on Wed Dec 07, 2005 at 05:08:35 PM EST

There's evidence that the hijacking not only occured earlier than most people realise, but on a more widespread basis.

The earliest group I have seen that would be involved in the "modern dominionist" movement is probably the Full Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship International (and by extension the AoG in general, via its radio and television preachers that have existed quite literally since the invention of radio and television broadcasting).  Much of the face of dominionism in pente and charismatic churches is directly due to influence from FGBMFI, and the FGBMFI has always been at the heart of dominionist movements as far back as one cares to remember in the post-WW II era.  (Of note--the FGBMFI is also the first of approximately forty-odd front groups the AoG operates on a national and international level.  This should give an idea on just how long "dirty tricks" have been acceptable among dominionists in that group.)

Theologies that directly influence dominionism in pentecostal and charismatic circles also saw their birth in the late 40's and early 50's, including the "manifest sons of God" movement and "latter rain" movements (which, along with the "word-faith" movement, are the basis of "spiritual warfare" dominionism and premillenarian dispensationalism).  In fact, the term "dominion theology" originally showed up in extensions of "latter rain" theology, and this in turn would evolve very quickly into what is now known as the "third wave" movement (or the Brownsville movement, though the "movement" is close to 60 years old, originated in a large AoG church in South Korea, and largely has spread via the FGBMFI and the "traveling pastor" circuits to other churches in that denomination)

The next earliest group that I am aware of--and the earliest group that most folks fighting dominionism may be familiar with--is Phyllis Shlafly's Eagle Forum.  Shlafly was involved as early as 1964 in dominionist efforts to hijack the Republican Party--specifically in regards to support of Barry Goldwater's campaign (ironically, the Eagle Forum would later condemn Goldwater for not being dominionist enough).  The Eagle Forum was founded in 1973 and is one of the earliest of the dominionist groups actively involved in the Republican Party hijacking.

The next earliest mentions are from the mid-to-late seventies and the Conservative Caucus, which has a whole passel of names that are probably familiar to most folks active against dominionism: Howard Philips (head of Constitution Party), Paul Weyrich (Free Congress Foundation), Jerry Falwell, Ed McAteer (who is one of the major architects of the later hijacking of the Southern Baptist Convention by dominionists) and, again, multiple areas of support by the AOG (in this case through "Christian Voice", a magazine printed by the denomination).

Between the lot of them, the first "planning committee" for dominionists, the National Christian Action Committee, started.

Dominionist support eventually led to the election of Reagan in 1980, and (after a failed presidential bid in 1988) the Christian Coalition was formed with the express goal of further infiltration of the Republican Party state conventions.

In other words, aspects of the dominionist takeover of America have been going on for fully forty and fifty years, and the infiltration of the Republican party has been going on for at least thirty and probably closer to forty years running.  

by dogemperor on Wed Dec 07, 2005 at 07:07:00 PM EST

You've given me a lot to read and digest.

I get indigestion every time I have to deal with the pentecostal/charismatic aspects of Dominionism.  It's territory that is foreign to my experience.

by Mainstream Baptist on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 05:12:51 AM EST

I kind of grew up in "dominionist charis-mania" for 26 years of my life (and thirteen of those as a closeted walkaway).  I still am not quite sure how I managed to escape with my sanity intact other than from sheer will.

Seriously, though, as far as that goes, I'm less familiar with the details of the infiltration of the SBC (other than how the Southern Baptist Seminary was hijacked, and that mostly because I live in the same city as the Seminary) and much more familiar with the pente and charismatic flavours of dominionism (largely premillenarian-dispensationalist at that) partly because I grew up in it (and in a large AoG megachurch which was a major "dissemination point" for a lot of the spiritually abusive stuff in that denomination--hence why I say in these groups that dominionism is largely an outgrowth of existing spiritual abuse in these groups).

I do think we can learn a lot from each other, hence one of the reasons I'm glad for this place being set up :3

by dogemperor on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 08:16:43 AM EST

I too am glad to have this place to exchange notes and share experiences.

I can document spiritual abuse in SBC churches, but, except in isolated instances, it does not seem to be as extreme as what you have experienced.

Other than reading Sara Diamond's book on Spiritual Warfare, I have no knowledge of the spiritual abuse going on in AoG churches.  

You are providing valuable additional information and an update on practices that she brought to light.

by Mainstream Baptist on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 01:13:10 PM EST

Per this article, it also notes that a big change that occured in churches associated with the dominionist movement at that point is that they became much more "corporate"--developing the massive parallel economy that exists in the dominionist community (and yes, this even extends to things like "Christian Hairdressers" and the like).

This has occured in the pentecostal and charismatic groups associated with the dominionist movement earlier (with the AoG, sometime in the 40's to 50's if not beforehand--some aspects have been around quite literally since the denomination's founding; with Calvary Chapel and Vineyard and the "independent charismatic" churches, definitely since their founding), and you even see this with the Southern Baptist Convention at times.

The "Mobilisation of the Christian Right" series in general is a good historical record of dominionism and of how long it HAS been around.

Very few people realise the roots of dominionism do stretch back fully fifty or more years, and much of the early roots involve going into the history of "front groups" and parachurch groups like FGBMFI.  This apologetics site, for instance, documents the connections between the FGBMFI and the larger dominionist movement and how the "latter rain" and "word-faith" movements are intimately connected with dominionist practice in pente and charismatic communities; this site details links between the FGBMFI and Franklin Graham (in support of dominionism; Frank Graham has explicitly supported dominionist causes).     Dominionists even admit this in their own histories (this from Bob Jones University).

This link has info on the FGBMFI's activities now, and how dominionist groups do network; this site does have a decent history of links between dominionism and the "latter rain" movement (and FGBMFI), even if the site in general does tend to go into tinfoil-hat territory at times (as most of the info is confirmable in other sources).  The premillenial dispensationalists in particular tend to be friendly towards FGBMFI and, as I've noted, the term "dominion theology" actually comes from practices in dominionist pentecostal and charismatic churches into the "spiritual warfare" movement.

by dogemperor on Wed Dec 07, 2005 at 07:26:53 PM EST

Joan Bokaer exposes some very interesting facts that point to a "bait and switch" fraud on Christians by leaders of the Christian Coalition and other leaders of the Religious Right.

First, she says the leaders of the Christian Coalition and the Religious Right are helping Republicans win elections by mobilizing and motivating Christians. This is an obvious and well publicized fact.

Second, she says that political parties are very susceptible to being taken over by small numbers of people who game the system with premeditated tactics. This is not so obvious, but it is true and it has been true for a very long time.

Third, she says by stealth campaigns, voter apathy, and working through sympathetic churches a picture emerges of a very aggressive, well organized, and determined movement to take control of the Republican Party. This is also true, but it exposes a contradiction that reveals a fraud.

The contradiction is exposed by Sherrod Brown's (D-Ohio) quote about specific pieces of legislation being passed in the middle of the night by Republicans. Why would any true Christian support cuts to veterans benefits, cuts in education, cuts in health care, cuts in Head Start, cuts in Medicare, and tax cut for millionaires? The values that these pieces of legislation reflect are the opposite of Christian values.

This contradiction exposes a fraud being perpetrated on people of the Christian faith by some of the Religious Right's leaders, including the former head of the Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed (Ralph Reed now runs a political consulting and lobbying, Century Strategies, who's clients have included Enron thanks to help from Carl Rove. Reed is currently under investigation for his central role in the Jack Abramoff bribe scandal.), Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Alan Keyes, and a few others.

It appears that Christians are being used and manipulated by a small number of well financed corrupt Religious leaders who have close ties to the Republican Party. I propose that these Religious leaders are really just part of a right-wing criminal conspiracy, as are the Republicans in Congress. They are only using Christianity and conservative ideals to help Republicans win elections and enrich themselves while our government is being robbed of $100 trillion dollars in assets. It is the classic bait and switch con job.

"O what a tangle web we weave when we practice to deceive."    

by Chris Fick on Wed Dec 07, 2005 at 06:43:36 PM EST

Yes, I agree.  

But why do people follow?  In "What's the Matter With Kansas," Thomas Frank says that the religious right followers are made to believe that they are victims of the rich and liberal.

What is more worrisome to me is the lack of independent and critical thinking.  The fundamentalists teach 'the word' and people must follow. They do the same thing with their votes.  

Question is, how to interupt that trajectory.

by cyncooper on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 01:36:23 AM EST

The simple answer to your first question, "Why do they follow?", is because they are morons. They spend their lives at work, on the road, watching the kids, watching reality TV, eating snacks, drinking alcohol, having sex, and sleeping. They have no time or energy for intellectual pursuits. It also has to do with how they were raised; some people are just followers. Finally, it has to do with the very effective hypnotic con the right wing has these people under. They use the media companies and media personalities very effectively to sell their spin on the issues, morals, and life itself.

The answer to your second question is not so simple. You could hit most of these people in the face with a 2 by 4 of the truth and they pick themselves up and keep right on going as if nothing happened. I'm sure there are some effective methods to un-brainwash people but I have not researched how that is done. Let me know if you know how that works.

by Chris Fick on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 09:51:43 AM EST

I think it is true that people get involved in their daily lives, but I don't agree that they are incapable of thinking.

I am reminded of a quote from the late Neil Postman, media critic.  Postman discusses Aldous Huxley and Brave New World , in his book, Amusing Ourselves to Death and writes:

For in the end, he was trying to tell us that what afflicted the people in Brave New World was not that they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about and why they had stopped thinking.

For Postman teaching people how to pierce the media was the key.  When people are encouraged to analyze and question, I think more people find independence.  

From the military to No Child Left Behind to our current administration's mantras, thinking is discouraged.

But it's essential to find ways to teach thinking itself, more than teaching ideology. (Theater, for example, does this, which is part of my personal attraction to it.)

by cyncooper on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 11:18:53 AM EST

Life is all about making choices, and that involves constant thinking. Everyone is thinking all the time, even while we are sleeping. Everyone analyzes and questions things in life and that involves thinking.

However, I think I understand your idea. These deceived followers are allowing others to do their thinking for them. These people pick up on a few sound bites, mantras, slogans, and spin and then their thinking has already been done for them, and their decisions are easily predictable. These are the people I call "morons".

However, what your advocating takes time and energy. It requires people to seek out additional information, often from people and sources that are opposed to their preconceived ideals and beliefs. This might require these people to think that the things they have been believing and following their whole lives have been wrong. Many of these people are deeply committed to their erroneous ideas and beliefs and changing them is about as easy as turning silver into gold. I'm not saying that it's not an honorable and worth while pursuit, I'm just saying don't waste a lot of time trying to do it.

Once again, most people don't have the time and energy to seek out the knowledge that is necessary for critical analysis thinking. That is why the right-wing scorns the liberal teachers in universities. They know that knowledge is the Damocles Sword that dangles over the head of their corrupt un-democratic ideology. That is why they went to get rid of the Department of Education and they are cutting aid for college tuition. That is why they want Americans to work more hours and watch more mindless TV. That is why they debate and pass legislation in the middle of the night. And so forth and so on.

Eventually, the right-wing's sinister goals are going to hit home with these people like a ton of bricks, but if went wait until then it will be too late. When that day comes all we will be able to do is say "I told you so", and that is unacceptable to me.

I say the time to fight is now. It is time to create some real life drama and regain some actual independence. Lets go ahead and draw the battle lines where they are right now. The leaders of the right-wing and their morons on one side and the rests of us on the other. Remember, the founding fathers were blood and guts revolutionaries. They achieved our independence through the barrel of a gun. If we don't start fighting back right now the "trail of tears" will be from our own eyes and it will lead to a place we don't want to be.

Consider me your Patriot rider (writer) Paul Revere (Chris Fick) and all of you are the minutemen militia (liberals and well informed intellectuals). I saying at the top of my lungs "The fascist are coming, the fascist are coming". I realize the fascist are already here and they are already in control of our government, but they have not yet achieved their totalitarian goals. And until they do we still have a chance to take back our country from these liars, thieve, murders, and thugs (shysters).

We can start fighting back today by badgering, boycotting, and using civil disobedience. The details of how to use these tools are on my website "George W. Bush Is Shameless". Let me know if you have some additional ideas on how we can take back our government and country.

by Chris Fick on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 02:04:53 PM EST


You've got a lot of bright insights, but, at times, you express them in offensive ways.

I was once what you call a moron.   To understand why people remain in toxic faiths, you have to know where they are coming from.  

Most of the people that I know who are caught up in these systems have never known any other form of spirituality.  Trying to find ways from within their frame of reference to point them to a way out of their worldview is exasperating and exceedingly difficult.  But, that is the only way they will gain the perspective necessary to see the error of their belief systems.  

Calling them names may relieve the steam of exasperation among friends, but it ends the conversation with others before it can begin.

by Mainstream Baptist on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 01:25:15 PM EST

Our site guidelines, I might add, are very clear on this point. We are not interested in epithets, but clear, fair and accurate descriptions of people.

Calling people morons, is the kind of talk that gets one into a barroom brawl. It has no place on this site.  

I might add, I know more than a few people of all political and religious orientations who are as set in thier ways and thier thinking as many a fundamentalist. One cannot easily change thier minds either.

by Frederick Clarkson on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 01:44:49 PM EST

I don't like to paint people with such an broad brush, like the ugly word "moron". I will try to do better.

by Chris Fick on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 02:14:19 PM EST

Your right about what you said. Sorry, my bad.

by Chris Fick on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 02:11:36 PM EST

One thing that a number of people don't realise is that a number of dominionists--even dominionist leaders like Wildmon et al--are members of multi generational dominionist households.

This is why I try to emphasize that dominionism has been around, especially in pente and charismatic groups into "spiritual warfare", anywhere from thirty to fifty years--and aspects of dominionist thought are as old as eighty years old.  It is not uncommon in the AoG, sadly, to have grandparents who originally joined, parents who grew up in the church, and who are presently homeschooling their own kids and teaching them the ways of dominionism.

The best parallel I've ever been able to come up with to folks as to what it is like for people who grew up in a coercive religious group (that actively prevented exposure to anything contrary to the group's teachings or exposure to even other forms of Christianity) is that of living in a pit full of sharp rocks,  being held down by frightened people grabbing at you, and not knowing anything else but the pit--and the people grabbing you keep telling you there are even worse monsters and perils Outside.

Once you do make it outside, you end up as confused about things as kids raised by wolves.  You pretty much have to learn EVERYTHING over again, including things like trust that most people learn when they're babies.  A lot of people I know--and even myself--have been in therapy post-walkaway just to learn effective coping skills like how not to stress ourselves into heart attacks (one skill I freely admit I have a long way to go in learning).

by dogemperor on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 02:42:03 PM EST

I'd previously mentioned Wildmon is a member of one of these families--I'm referring to Donald Wildmon, who was apparently raised in a breakaway sect of the Seventh Day Adventists, and who claims to have gotten "saved" at an altar call in his church at the age of three.

Being in pente and charismatic churches (AoG rather than SDA, but still pretty coercive) I can say that even among young children there is an incredible pressure to conform to church will.  A three-year-old answering a pentecostal "altar call" would not be entirely unusual (rather than questioning whether a kid that young could make such a decision or whether his parents pressured him into it, it'd probably be seen there as an example of "God's outpouring").

John Ashcroft is another example of a multi-generational dominionist (his father and, if memory serves, even his grandfather were involved in the AoG from its earliest stages).

The whole goal of the homeschooling/"A Beka" indoctrinating/"parallel economy" (including "Christian" alternatives to the Boy and Girl Scouts) and now explicitly dominionist universities like Liberty University and Patrick Henry College is to raise kids from birth in dominionist ways, keep them isolated until they are in their mid-20s and thoroughly indoctrinated and so set in their ways as to find it very difficult if not impossible to walk away, and loose them as "Joel's Army" to take over the country.  (Yes, this has been pretty explicitly planned for quite some time.)

by dogemperor on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 02:51:50 PM EST

Personally - the trajectory is mostly due to ignorance... and, as you said, a lack of critical thinking (see post: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2005/12/6/153041/819).

I think education is needed.  Marketing such as PSA's like the Ad Council does, and billboards like the "better America" group does would be useful.
(See also: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2005/12/6/11559/9370)
Also, every school in America needs to be incorporating Philosophy/Logic/Critical Thinking Skills into its curriculum, whether it be by actual classes on the subject, or by incorporating the concepts into other subjects.


by EmilyWynn8 on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 04:05:05 PM EST


Can I ask that posters please avoid quotes in the centered-paragraph style (e.g. from Rep. Sherrod Brown above)?   Left-justified is immensely easier for anything longer than one or two lines.  Thank you.

by Nell on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 05:10:57 PM EST

I've actually not been specifically aligning mine at all--just using blockquote statements in HTML--and the center alignment does seem to be the default.  (Perhaps the board maintainers may need to tweak this?)

by dogemperor on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 06:18:02 PM EST

I've noted that the default is center aligned, too. Bruce, can you fix this?

by Lorie Johnson on Thu Dec 08, 2005 at 10:10:59 PM EST

Put an end to Christian Right Wing
control of the Republican Party.

Join Me and thousands of others
at www.talk2action.org

by edshaw on Mon Jun 12, 2006 at 10:06:45 PM EST

You're doing a terrific job with these articles, lots of very interesting information that I didn't have a clue about before. It's scary to see how good they are at manipulating and taking over. I hope it will be an end of this.
Dennis, Programmer currently working on the natural hair loss treatment project.
by Dennis W on Fri Feb 29, 2008 at 05:12:16 PM EST

I'd say they violate your guide lines and if they don't someone goofed. Between creating parallel social systems from schools to NGO's and infiltration and taking over others so that eventually they can bring down our gov't and social system and replace it with their own. They believe they are right and the propaganda they accept as true tells them the same thing. It isn't their intelligence so much as their mental habits. Like reading more than what the right wing produces for instance. To be tolerant as a good thing, instead of it being preached as a bad thing. I've noticed that they function in many ways from the stand point of the Crusaders and Inquisition. In many ways so did the Soviets and Nazis did.

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by LayneMarvin on Fri Feb 14, 2020 at 09:28:58 AM EST

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Betsy DeVos's Mudsill View of Public Education
My Talk to Action colleague Rachel Tabachnick has been doing yeoman's work in explaining Betsy DeVos's long-term strategy for decimating universal public education. If......
By Frank Cocozzelli (80 comments)
Prince and DeVos Families at Intersection of Radical Free Market Privatizers and Religious Right
This post from 2011 surfaces important information about President-Elect Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos. -- FC Erik Prince, Brother of Betsy......
By Rachel Tabachnick (218 comments)

Respect for Others? or Political Correctness?
The term "political correctness" as used by Conservatives and Republicans has often puzzled me: what exactly do they mean by it? After reading Chip Berlin's piece here-- http://www.talk2action.org/story/2016/7/21/04356/9417 I thought about what he explained......
MTOLincoln (253 comments)
What I'm feeling now is fear.  I swear that it seems my nightmares are coming true with this new "president".  I'm also frustrated because so many people are not connecting all the dots! I've......
ArchaeoBob (109 comments)
"America - love it or LEAVE!"
I've been hearing that and similar sentiments fairly frequently in the last few days - far FAR more often than ever before.  Hearing about "consequences for burning the flag (actions) from Trump is chilling!......
ArchaeoBob (218 comments)
"Faked!" Meme
Keep your eyes and ears open for a possible move to try to discredit the people openly opposing Trump and the bigots, especially people who have experienced terrorism from the "Right"  (Christian Terrorism is......
ArchaeoBob (167 comments)
More aggressive proselytizing
My wife told me today of an experience she had this last week, where she was proselytized by a McDonald's employee while in the store. ......
ArchaeoBob (168 comments)
See if you recognize names on this list
This comes from the local newspaper, which was conservative before and took a hard right turn after it was sold. Hint: Sarah Palin's name is on it!  (It's also connected to Trump.) ......
ArchaeoBob (169 comments)
Unions: A Labor Day Discussion
This is a revision of an article which I posted on my personal board and also on Dailykos. I had an interesting discussion on a discussion board concerning Unions. I tried to piece it......
Xulon (180 comments)
Extremely obnoxious protesters at WitchsFest NYC: connected to NAR?
In July of this year, some extremely loud, obnoxious Christian-identified protesters showed up at WitchsFest, an annual Pagan street fair here in NYC.  Here's an account of the protest by Pagan writer Heather Greene......
Diane Vera (130 comments)
Capitalism and the Attack on the Imago Dei
I joined this site today, having been linked here by Crooksandliars' Blog Roundup. I thought I'd put up something I put up previously on my Wordpress blog and also at the DailyKos. As will......
Xulon (331 comments)
History of attitudes towards poverty and the churches.
Jesus is said to have stated that "The Poor will always be with you" and some Christians have used that to refuse to try to help the poor, because "they will always be with......
ArchaeoBob (149 comments)
Alternate economy medical treatment
Dogemperor wrote several times about the alternate economy structure that dominionists have built.  Well, it's actually made the news.  Pretty good article, although it doesn't get into how bad people could be (have been)......
ArchaeoBob (90 comments)
Evidence violence is more common than believed
Think I've been making things up about experiencing Christian Terrorism or exaggerating, or that it was an isolated incident?  I suggest you read this article (linked below in body), which is about our great......
ArchaeoBob (214 comments)

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