Worldview Weekend -- Sales Pitches, Quizzes and Marketing, Oh My
The real reason is this -- in order to take the original quiz, registration is required. I could have used a false email, but I must admit to being curious as to what I might receive should I provide my real email. Today I found out - and may I state for the record that the Worldview Weekend mailing list clearly has no correlation to the quiz I took, as the email I received today begins:
Are you witnessing to a friend or family member this Christmas? Are you interested in laying the foundation for a child to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Take our free test below. The correct answers are at the bottom of the test. Right -- so the first portion of the email asks me to spend $50 (perhaps more) on DVDs such as "Soundly Saved" and "How to Bring Children To Christ." Next, another quiz -- WW seems fond of quizzes. Here's my favorite question:
17. Another name for the moral law is: I got this one right. I share this (the contents in the solicitation, not my right answer) in the spirit of understanding the tools used by the Right to market to their this case, tools weilded rather poorly (and I can say this as a marketing and Public Relations professional, not just as an unfounded slam). It occurs to me, however, that the marketing arms of groups like Focus on the Family are much more savvy -- and therefore much more dangerous. It also occurs to me that rational thinking, and secularism (at least in the sense of separation), suffer from a lack of positive marketing. And by this, I don't mean a well-funded campaign with little squishy ball giveaways and ads on network television, but a somewhat coherent effort that goes beyond merely attempting to demonstrate where the Right is wrong.....any good marketing effort concentrates on the positives, not the negatives. Can rationality and secularism be marketed in a positive fashion? If they can, how can it be done?
Worldview Weekend -- Sales Pitches, Quizzes and Marketing, Oh My | 147 comments (147 topical, 0 hidden)
Worldview Weekend -- Sales Pitches, Quizzes and Marketing, Oh My | 147 comments (147 topical, 0 hidden)