SBC Takeover Leaders and the CNP
The first time I heard about the CNP was when I watched a documentary by Bill Moyers entitled The Battle for the Bible that was about the fundamentalist takeover of the Southern Baptist Convention. In the broadcast Moyers asked Paul Pressler, architect of the takeover of the SBC, about his involvement in the CNP. Pressler did not want to talk about it. Moyers pressed him about it. [To hear a 6.12 minute podcast (mp3) of Bill Moyers trying to get Paul Pressler to talk to him about his involvement in the Council for National Policy (along with Falwell, Robertson, North, Rushdoony and others), click here and wait for it to download.] A good resource for further research on the CNP is a little known book by Russ Bellent called The Coors Connection. Bellent himself says little about Paige Patterson and Paul Pressler, but he provides early lists of CNP members. His lists reveal the prominence that Pressler had within the group. As though he were being rewarded for a job well-done, Pressler was elected President of the organization in 1989 -- the year the takeover of the SBC was complete.
Online lists of CNP membership can be found here. Besides Pressler and Patterson, other Southern Baptist CNP members include Jerry Falwell, Ed McAteer and Rick Scarborough. Scarborough was formerly pastor in Pearland, Texas and once was the Fundamentalist's approved candidate for President of the Baptist General Convention of Texas (soundly defeated by Mainstream Baptists in Texas). For the last two years, he has been working for Vision America preaching "revivals" around the country in Southern Baptist churches, mustering votes for "Christian values," promoting ten commandments rally's for Judge Roy Moore, and organizing speaking events for Jerry Falwell.
SBC Takeover Leaders and the CNP | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
SBC Takeover Leaders and the CNP | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)