Forgotten history: The Christian Right attacked Thomas Jefferson and the new Constitution
They recognized that America's founders wanted the nation to be a secular enterprise. Sadly, falsehoods to the contrary--spread by the Christian Right's leaders and its increasingly influential media and philanthropic machine--persist.
Pat Robertson, a Goliath of the Christian Right, on The 700 Club, December 30, 1981 said: The Constitution of the United a marvelous document for self-government by the Christian people. But the minute you turn the document into the hands of non-Christian people and atheistic people they can use it to destroy the very foundation of our society. He and all the Christian Right's leaders still say the same things in 2005, and are teaching a whole new generation of young Americans to parrot their disingenuous arguments. One of our nation's most important founders, Thomas Jefferson, might be particularly alarmed by this development. He wrote of an American free from "public opinion" infused with the spirit of "inquisition" attempting to subvert the Constitution and the Enlightenment concepts of deists like himself, George Washington, Ben Franklin, and John Adams cherished. He must have thought such concepts secure--ultimately untouchable, self-evident. After all, the governing document of the United States, our Constitution, nowhere mentions God, Jesus, the bible, or Christianity. In fact, in Article 6 it prohibits religious tests for public office. But the invincibility of such commonsense is no longer the case. The secular concepts dear to Jefferson are self-evident no longer. They are not embraced by the majority of our nation's Congressmembers, our President, or many judges, and soon perhaps a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court. They are in danger of being forgotten and replaced by something altogether different, something anathema to the rational citizen, something in line with the enemies of the Thomas Jefferson and the Constitution in Jefferson's own day. Do the below incidents more reflect the spirit of the U.S. Constitution or the anti-Constitutional spirit of Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, James Kennedy, and others of the Christian Right: +On July 4th, 1798, President of Yale, Rev. Timothy Dwight, preached that Christians dare not support "the philosophers, the atheists and the deists" in the coming election, including Thomas Jefferson, who was running for President. Dwight proclaimed that "our churches may become temples of reason" should Jefferson win the election. (see The Godless Constitution, by Isaac Kramnick & R. Laurance Moore.) +Rev. David Caldwell on July 30, 1788, stated that the Constitution's abolition of religious tests (which were common in Europe) was, heaven forbid, "an invitation for Jews and pagans of every kind to come among us. (See " Original Intent," by Susan Jacoby in Mother Jones magazine. Also see here.) +Rev. William Linn, a Dutch Reformed minister, authored an anti-Jefferson tract in 1800 complaining about Jefferson's "disbelief of the Holy Scriptures; or...his rejection of the Christian Religion and open profession of Deism." (this and all subsequent quotes, see Against Religious Correctness.) +Dr. John Mason preached that Jefferson was "a confirmed infidel." +The New England Palladium wrote: "Should the infidel Jefferson be elected to the Presidency, the seal of death is that moment set on our holy religion...some infamous prostitute, under the title of Reason will preside...." What did Jefferson say of these attackers? He had harsh words that resonate as strongly today as they did in his own lifetime. He wrote that the religious conservatives of his day were "most tyrannical and ambitious.... They pant to re-establish by law, that holy inquisition, which they can now only infuse into public opinion." But it is the sentiment of one Maryland Constitutional Convention delegate, Luther Martin, that might condemn most strongly the sentiments of the Religious Right in America back then, as well as the arguments of the Religious Right today. He wrote that some delegates at the convention thought it would be "at least decent" for there to be in law a "distinction between the professors of Christianity and downright infidelity or paganism." Martin's term for these delegates and their beliefs? "Unfashionable." (Note: on 11/25/2006, this diary's links to The Godless Constitution were edited to point to the 2005 edition, an update of the 1997 edition.)
Forgotten history: The Christian Right attacked Thomas Jefferson and the new Constitution | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Forgotten history: The Christian Right attacked Thomas Jefferson and the new Constitution | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)