AFA endorses AIDS denialism
Duesberg believes that HIV is actually harmless, and that AIDS-fighting drugs such as HIV can actually cause AIDS. In any sane world, that would get you laughed out of the room. But back in 2009, he managed to finagle his way onto an AIDS advisory panel to the South African government. On his advice, thousands of people were denied access to anti-viral drugs. At least two studies have proven that Pretoria's endorsement of this claptrap resulted in 330,000 preventable deaths and as thousands more preventable infections. Saner people take a much dimmer view of Duesberg's claims. His claim that AIDS is caused by recreational drug use has been completely debunked. As early as 1993, Nature found that his argument that sexual promiscuity causes AIDS "has no basis in fact." In the face of international condemnation of his work in South Africa, Duesberg wrote a paper arguing that South Africa's increase in population proved HIV is harmless. One journal turned it down and told him that if he published it, he might be guilty of scientific misconduct. He then went to another journal, which retracted it after finding that its assertions could endanger public health. Apparently somebody forgot to tell Fischer and Tim Wildmon about how dangerous this is, because Fischer doubled down on it in his blog post. He actually claimed that it isn't possible for a virus to stay dormant for several years before roaring back to life. Apparently Fischer doesn't know that the chicken pox virus can stay dormant for several years before returning as shingles. It can also go to your brain as viral encephalitis. What makes the AFA's endorsement of this claptrap even more dangerous is that so many people who live in a Christian cocoon (filtered Internet service, homeschooling their kids, SkyAngel, no secular radio) actually rely upon it for news and information. Wildmon and Fischer better hope nobody dies from following their advice--it could, no, WILL, get them sued out of business. And that wouldn't be a bad thing.
AFA endorses AIDS denialism | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)
AFA endorses AIDS denialism | 2 comments (2 topical, 0 hidden)