From the 2009 Prayercast Against Healthcare Reform to Rick Perry's Upcoming Stadium Prayer Event
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Jul 06, 2011 at 01:54:59 PM EST
Right Wing Watch has reposted video of the December 16, 2009 "Prayercast" against the healthcare reform bill. When I first saw this footage of Lou Engle leading these members of the U.S. House and Senate in prayer in a roomful of participants speaking in tongues, I knew that the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) had made it into the big time in American politics and we would be seeing much more of them in the future.
In addition to the participation of Michele Bachmann, Sam Brownback, Jim DeMint, and Randy Forbes, the  Family Research Council-sponsored event included Apostles Lou Engle, Samuel Rodriguez, and Harry Jackson.   This is worth another look since it was a preview of things to come, including Gov. Rick Perry's August stadium event, which is being organized by leaders from Lou Engle's The Call and Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer, and sponsored by the American Family Association.

It appears Rick Perry might be giving Michele Bachmann some competition for the support of the Religious Right.  TIME posted an article  on July 5 about a conference call in June in which Religious Right leaders discussed their dissatisfaction with the field of GOP candidates.  According to TIME, Family Research Council's Tony Perkins was on the call, as well as John Hagee and David Barton.

The article quoted Sarah Posner at Religions Dispatches, who itemized some of Rick Perry's Christian Right credentials.

Texas is home to many of the NAR's top leaders including Chuck Pierce, head of Glory of Zion International Ministries, Inc. and Global Spheres, and Cindy Jacobs, head of Generals International and the U.S. Reformation Prayer Network. (Link to Minnesota division of RPN.)  Sam Brownback, currently governor of Kansas, is one of the few governors scheduled to attend the August 6 event in Houston.  Brownback has a long and continuing association with several of the apostles and prophets of the NAR.

The state has a well-developed Texas Apostolic Prayer Network (TXAPN), led by Apostle Tom Schlueter. This is part of a 50-state network of "strategic prayer warriors" that could provide significant political support to a candidate in the Republican presidential primaries.

Also see the Texas Freedom Network on Rick Perry, Faith and the Culture Wars.

I will be there.  Ought to be interesting.

by wilkyjr on Thu Jul 07, 2011 at 08:44:04 AM EST
Keep us informed.  This should be interesting.

by Rachel Tabachnick on Thu Jul 07, 2011 at 03:36:15 PM EST