Disarray in the Religious Right's Armageddon-ville
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Jan 28, 2011 at 02:09:13 PM EST
Best selling author, lecturer, and prominent Christian Zionist, Joel Rosenberg, suggests that by setting the date for Judgment Day, Christian radio broadcaster Harold Camping is being "unbiblical, wrong and misleading," and "invit[ing] ridicule, scorn and discredit upon followers of Jesus Christ who study the Bible seriously and teach the Word of God -- including prophecy -- carefully and soberly."

Joel Rosenberg, prominent Christian Zionist, best-selling author of fiction and non-fiction books enmeshing apocalyptic visions with Biblical prophecy, and a sought after speaker on issues related to the Middle East and The Rapture, is no stranger to the End Times business.  You might say that he has been milking it for all it's worth, carving out a nice little niche for himself. But no matter how many times he cites scripture when talking or writing about events in the Middle East (what he calls the Epicenter) presaging an End Times scenario, he is careful to avoid the one thing that could put the kybosh on his cottage industry: he never offers a specific timetable for when the Final Days will unfold.

As any good businessman might when he feels his territory is being violated, last week Rosenberg had some tough words for Harold Camping, a long-time Christian radio broadcaster, who is claiming to have come up with the exact date for Judgment Day. The 88-year-old Camping, who is president of Family Stations, Inc., an Oakland, California-based religious broadcasting network, has done something that most End Timers definitely do not appreciate; he set the date for the first day of the Day of Judgment (May 21 of this year), and the date for the end of the world (Octobe