Mike Evans Attacks Jimmy Carter, Opposes a Two-State Solution & Wants to Bomb Iran
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Feb 04, 2009 at 12:56:25 PM EST
The best-selling conservative evangelical author hammers away at Carter, rips a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian crisis, and keeps Iran in his crosshairs  

The fact that Mike Evans' new book "Jimmy Carter: The Liberal Left and World Chaos: A Carter/Obama Plan That Will Not Work," -- released on January 20 -- currently ranks #44 on Amazon.com's "Bestsellers in Books," is a tribute to both Evans' media savvy and his supporter's zeal. Thus far, the book has received 62 reviews, with 59 reviewers giving it five-stars.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter's new book, "We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work" -- also released on January 20 -- checks in at #495 on the Amazon listing. The book's 25 reviews are split between those who really like the book (8) and those who'd prefer it be returned to pulp (11). This, despite the fact that Carter has had the distinct advantage of appearing on a number of television and radio talk shows.    

In a recent article, Evans stated that Carter's "solution is straightforward; Israel should embrace the Quartet" -- a plan for dealing with the Middle East crisis crafted, after Hamas' parliamentary victory three years ago by the UN, the U.S., the European Union, and Russia. "The plan," writes Evans, "is backed by a group simply known as The Elders, an idea formulated by British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson and musician Peter Gabriel to create a world council of elders to tackle issues such as peace in the Middle East." Carter is a member of The Elders' Middle East team. "How," Evans wants to know, can Carter and friends "ask the Jewish people to embrace a group known as Th