Ten Top Abuses of Religion and Politics
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Nov 03, 2006 at 02:09:24 PM EST
The Interfaith Alliance has compiled a very helpful list, reprinted in its entirety on the flip, with links to press accounts of ten egregious examples of abuses by pols and religious leaders this year.  The list includes Democrats who in a misguided, in my view, effort to ape Republican excesses in this area, are contributing to the the debasement of basic ideas of separation of church and state and respect for religious pluralism.  I would greatly prefer polititians who stand for respect for religious difference among citizens, instead of pandering to the values of religious supremacism.  

During the presidential campaign of 1960, John F. Kennedy took the question of his Catholicism to a group of protestant ministers, many of whom were concerned about possible Vatican influence.  Kennedy not only addressed that, but the wider question of religion and public life. He spoke of core "values" we rarely hear from political leaders these days: Kennedy valued:  

"an America where the separation of church and state is absolute - where no Catholic prelate would tell the President (should he be Catholic) how to act ... For while this year it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been, and may someday be again, a Jew - or a Quaker - or a Unitarian - or a Baptist ... Today I may be the victim - but tomorrow it may be you - until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped at a time of great national peril."

Attorney General Phill Kline often talks about his Christian faith. But a leaked memo shows how Kline has mixed religion and money as part of an aggressive strategy to raise campaign funds and win re-election. "Get the pastor to invite 5 `money people,' whom he knows can help," Kline told his campaign staff in a detailed, four-page memo titled "church efforts." The anonymously leaked e-mail memo provides a rare, behind-the-scenes look at political fundraising and the methods the incumbent Republican is using as he faces Democratic challenger Paul Morrison, the Johnson County district attorney...."The Goal and Objective - numbers," Kline wrote to campaign workers Bill Roche and Sylvia Chapman in the Aug. 8 e-mail. "Please try to get me in front of the largest crowds as we move through the remainder of the campaign schedule."

    * Lawrence World Journal, "Leaked memo details strategy," 09-11-06
    * http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2006/sep/12/leaked_memo_details_stra tegy/?elections_2006


Rep. Katherine Harris, a Florida Republican who is seeking a U.S. Senate seat, said this week that God did not intend for the United States to be a "nation of secular laws." "If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you're not electing Christians, then in essence you are going to legislate sin," she said, citing abortion and gay marriage as two examples of that sin. Harris also said the separation of church and state is a "lie we have been told" to keep religious people out of politics. In reality, she said, "we have to have the faithful in government" because that is God's will.

    * Orlando Sentinel, "Congresswoman: Elect Christians or `legislate sin,'" 8-26-06
    * http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2003226852_harr is26.html


Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Harold Ford Jr.'s television advertisement, filmed inside Mt. Moriah East Baptist Church in Orange Mound, is being praised as innovative and revealing -- but also condemned as pandering.   In the ad, Ford walks between the pews of the church with stained glass windows in the background, saying, "I started church the old-fashioned way -- I was forced to. And I'm better for it."

    * Memphis Commercial Appeal, "Ford's ad in church draws fire and raves," 9-23-06
    * http://www.commercialappeal.com/mca/politics/article/0,1426,MCA_1 496_5015273,00.html

Chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos asked Ford message he means to convey by handing out business cards with the Ten Commandments on the back. "Elect me, I know the difference between right and wrong," Ford said. "I don't always live my life perfect, but I try my hardest to follow somebody that does, and I just don't believe that, from looking at this politically, that Democrats ought to cede any ground to any Republican when it comes to morality and faith."

    * ABC News, "Harold Ford Eyes Senate Upset, Denies Being a Playboy," 10-15-06
    * http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/story?id=2569351&page=1


Dozens of houses of worship in Los Angeles and throughout California have jeopardized their nonprofit status by giving money from their collection plates to political candidates, the Daily News has learned. In Los Angeles alone, 39 churches, synagogues and Buddhist temples were identified by political candidates as contributing more than $15,000 to their election campaigns since 1998, according to city Ethics Commission records....."Charities and churches may speak to the issues of the day and engage in nonbiased voter education activities," the IRS statement said. "But charities and churches do not have a right to ask Americans to subsidize their political actions with charitable contributions."

    * Los Angeles Daily News, "Witch hunt for churches?," 9-26-06
    * http://dailynews.com/news/ci_4401957


Pastor Russell Johnson paces across the broad stage as he decries the "secular jihadists" who have "hijacked" America, accuses the public schools of neglecting to teach that Hitler was "an avid evolutionist" and links abortion to children who murder their parents.  Johnson leads the Ohio Restoration Project, an emergent network of nearly 1,000 "Patriot Pastors" from conservative churches across the state. Each has pledged to register 300 "values voters," adding hundreds of thousands of like-minded citizens to the electorate who "would be salt and light for America."  The Ohio effort isn't unique. Johnson's project has helped spawn the Texas Restoration Project in Bush's home state. The fledging Pennsylvania Pastors' Network has signed up 81 conservative clergy so far. Similar efforts are beginning to percolate elsewhere.

    * USA Today, "Shaping Politics from the Pulpits," 8-3-05
    * http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-08-02-christian-cove r_x.htm


An event last night at Living Word Christian Center, a large suburban church in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, featuring Republican Congressional Candidate Michele Bachmann could cost the church its nonprofit tax status as the event appeared to endorse Bachmann for office. A personal endorsement from the pastor of the church, as well as Bachmann's own statements in her speech, appear to have violated regulations pertaining to partisan politicking by churches. Bachmann is in a tight race with Patty Wetterling, a race that's at the top of most election analysts lists in terms of importance and competitiveness.

    * Minneapolis Star-Tribune, "Blogger's video pulls back the curtain on Bachmann," 10-21-06
    * http://www.minnesotamonitor.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=524


Rival voter guides distributed by two Christian groups may leave some people confused about whether God is a Democrat or a Republican.  Conservative Republican voters probably will put more faith in a guide distributed by Christian Action Alabama, formerly the Christian Coalition of Alabama.  Democrat voters may favor a new guide from Redeem the Vote, a Montgomery-based group.  Redeem the Vote is asking candidates discussion questions about where they go to church, their favorite Bible verse, how they will publicly acknowledge their faith, and what role their faith will play in formulating public policy.

    * Decatur Daily, "Christian voter guides may not have divine inspiration," 10-2-06
    * http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/opinion/editorials/06100 2b.shtml


The president of the Missionary Baptist Ministers Conference of Washington decided this summer for the first time in the century-old group's history to take a partisan political stand, announcing his endorsement of mayoral candidate Linda Cropp. The city's largest interfaith group says it has more volunteers registering people to vote than it has had in 15 years. In June, religious leaders held a conference to pull together a common agenda for the city's future. Such preelection organizing has been ratcheted up in the city's religious community in an effort to regain something it once had in abundance: political clout.

    * Washington Post, "Faith Groups Seek To Regain Clout," 8-30-06
    * http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/29/A R2006082901376.html


Pastor Rod Parsley of World Harvest Church underscored the role of religion in the governor's campaign last Oct. 14, when he held a rally attended by hundreds on the steps of the Statehouse. "Sound an alarm. A Holy Ghost invasion is taking place. Man your battle stations, ready your weapons, lock and load," Parsley said to enthusiastic applause.... In January, pastors on the left filed a complaint with the IRS accusing Parsley and a second conservative pastor, Russell Johnson, of violating federal election law. The complaint alleged that the pastors improperly used their pulpits for partisan politics by supporting Ken Blackwell, the Republican nominee for governor.

    * Associated Press, "Politics and religion intersect frequently during campaign," 10-18-06
    * http://www.ohio.com/mld/ohio/news/15760409.htm


House minority leader Nancy Pelosi--a self-described "conservative Catholic" has lately been encouraging members of her party to couch their political arguments in Biblical terms so as to appeal to the God-fearing. In a St. Patrick's Day speech on the genocide in Darfur, a topic that unites religious conservatives and liberals, Pelosi said, "The gospel of Matthew is something that drives many of us in our public service.  This language is an outgrowth of the "Faith Working Group," an effort to coordinate discourse between House Democrats and churchgoers that Pelosi initiated just over a year ago, when the "values voters" of 2004 were still the subjects of liberal nightmares. She chose as the group's chairman Rep. Jim Clyburn, an African Methodist Episcopalian from South Carolina's 6th district, whom she has subsequently selected to serve as chairman of the House Democratic caucus as well. That promotion suggests the importance Pelosi places upon political fellowship with the faithful.

    * Weekly Standard, "Finding Religion," 4-17-06
    * http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/012/070vzfcm.asp

This issue is not going to go away. So we might as well learn as much as we can, and get better at combating it.

by Frederick Clarkson on Fri Nov 03, 2006 at 02:12:11 PM EST

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